[Lsb-infrastructure] changes with new DB/tools release

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Wed Feb 13 06:54:48 PST 2008

lsb-infrastructure-bounces at lists.linux-foundation.org wrote:
> I'm trying to decide what to do with the new
> release - whether it should apply to LSB 3.2
> as well as the devel branch.

Oh, another change I forgot to mention, in the stub
libraries one symbol in libQtCore and one in libQtOpenGL
have changed from a defined size to a zero size.

These both now say "No data for symbol" in the mkstublibs
output, rather than the older "Size not available ....
but overriding with ..."

No data for symbol _ZN7QString16codecForCStringsE (31266)

No data for symbol _ZN10QGLContext10currentCtxE (30983)

There are a couple of other "No data" items as well
as a Overriding item that I don't recall seeing before 
(but they're not causing differences in the stub library 
generation).  I assume these are not new, just ones that
I'm picking up because I'm looking more closely now.

libQtCore:    (IA32/PPC32/S390 only)
No data for symbol _ZTI18QFileSystemWatcher (0) 

libQtGui:     (IA32/PPC32/S390 only)
No data for symbol _ZTI18QGraphicsItemGroup (0)

libstdcxx library: (IA32/S390 only)
Overriding size of _ZSt5wcout from 4 to 14

Of course we have the old familiar ones, which I
didn't expect to change:

libstdcxx library:
No data for symbol
_ZTIN9__gnu_cxx18stdio_sync_filebufIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE (0)
No data for symbol
_ZTIN9__gnu_cxx18stdio_sync_filebufIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE (0)
No data for symbol _ZTVSt8ios_base (0

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