[Openais] Event Channel Unlink

Arunachalam arunachalamp at huawei.com
Wed Jul 20 03:01:42 PDT 2005



Even if the channel's unlink API followed by the close API is issued, the
channel will not be deleted (Channel's instance will not be freed) if events
are in the channel, that is, if the retained count (esc_retained_count, a
element of event server channel instance) is there (with reference to
delete_channel() function in the exec/evt.c). (With reference to latest
openais implementation of SAF B 01 Spec).


But this does not follow the spec statement, "The deletion of an event
channel frees all resources allocated by the Event Service

for it, such as published events with non-zero retention time",  SAF EVENT
SERVICE --- UNLINK API ---(line no:41,42).


Is it right?



A P Sarathy



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