[Openais] saAmf.h about openais

peter sanshuimeng at yahoo.com.cn
Wed Sep 20 04:51:11 PDT 2006

I found a question in openais .
The SaAmfCSISetCallbackT function is different between openais and saforum . 
The last argument is differ. in openais it is a pointer.
Why ?

from saforum :
Application Interface Specifications (AIS), B.02.01
Download AIS Specification Header Files (zip, 24k) 

typedef void 
(*SaAmfCSISetCallbackT)(SaInvocationT invocation,
                        const SaNameT *compName,
                        SaAmfHAStateT haState,
                        SaAmfCSIDescriptorT csiDescriptor);

from opeanis:
typedef void 
(*SaAmfCSISetCallbackT)(SaInvocationT invocation,
                        const SaNameT *compName,
                        SaAmfHAStateT haState,
                        SaAmfCSIDescriptorT *csiDescriptor);

Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.



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