[Accessibility] Sec2b Item 7: Text To Speech

Bill Haneman bill.haneman at sun.com
Tue Sep 9 10:19:16 PDT 2003


"Standardize a TTS voice creation API" doesn't make sense to me, as far
as I know there are no APIs in existance for 'creating new voices' as
the phrase would ordinarily be understood. 

I'd try "promote a standard API for TTS services", and ignore the
difficult issue of voice creation.

If instead, by 'voice creation' you mean 'the instantiation of agents
capable of generating synthesized speech, at runtime', i.e. invoking
synthetic speakers, that is indeed something we intend to use API for.

- Bill

- Bill
> Perhaps based on Bill's comments, the paragraph should be changed to:
> > We propose to
> > standardize a TTS voice creation API to simplify and systemetize the
> process of
> > creating new voices.  

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