[Bitcoin-development] Double spend detection to speed up transaction trust

Mike Hearn mike at plan99.net
Fri Aug 5 11:05:34 UTC 2011

> Could this be because the network right now consists largely of end
> users with residential type networks?


How many connections "should" a node use? We faced this decision in
BitCoinJ recently and I asked the patch writer to reduce the number.
It seems pretty arbitrary to me - if you aren't going to relay, a
single connection should be good enough. Yes, it makes sybil easier,
but if you pick the one node randomly enough it might be ok?

> actually deployed. Wikipedia says that "some NAT routers" support it and
> that it's not an IETF standard. All routers I've actually seen in real
> life had it disabled by default.)

Hmm, I don't recall ever enabling it in my router but it's on and the
Bitcoin support works. UPnP is used by all kinds of common programs
like Skype and Xbox Live.

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