[Bitcoin-development] Decentralizing mining

Jeff Garzik jgarzik at bitpay.com
Mon Jun 17 15:16:01 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Peter Todd <pete at petertodd.org> wrote:
> It strikes me that this would work best if the pool has a mempool with
> child-pays-for-parent support where conflicts *are* allowed.
> IE you record whatever transactions you know about, conflicting or not,
> calculate which ones gives you the most fees/kb, and then figure out
> which set of non-conflicting ones are optimal. Of course, "optimal" is
> the knapsack problem...
> Now you can easilly tell the miners working on shares for you which tx's
> would be optimal if they wish to know, and at the same time whatever
> shares they send you are most likely to include transactions in your
> mempool inventory, and thus they can send just tx hashes to reduce
> bandwidth.
> Part of the broader issue that when we send peers INV advertisements we
> should be telling them what the fee/kb is so our peers can prioritize
> properly. That'd also help for the case where you want to broadcast two
> transactions in a row, but the pair is only profitable because the
> second is paying the fee for the first.

Interesting proposals, particularly this last.  The net result impact
is, however, that which was criticized in at least one forum thread:

> Speaking of, the way we tell peers about new blocks is really
> suboptimal: we tell every peer, in no particular order, about a new
> block via a block INV message, and then we give them the new block in
> parallel. I was looking through comp-sci papers on optimal
> flood-fill/gossip algorithms for random graph networks and it appears
> that optimal is to spend all your bandwidth to send the message to your
> fastest peer first, followed by your next fastest and so on. This works
> best because you get the exponential growth scaling faster by
> propagating the message as "deep" as possible in the network, and it
> then can flood outwards from there. Just sorting the peer list by
> #inv-recevied/time when doing INV pushes and when attending to incoming
> messages would probably be a big improvement.

In terms of packet size, I would like to look into the network-wide
costs of simply broadcasting block header + coinbase TX + TX list.  I
bet miners would love to opt into that.

>> > If the share does meet difficulty, hand it to both the pool and the
>> > local bitcoind. Should hand it to the pool first though, because the
>> > pool likely has the fastest block propagation, then hand it to local
>> > bitcoind. An optimized version may want to have some record of measured
>> > bandwidth - this applies Bitcoin in general too, although also has other
>> > issues.
>> Currently, BFGMiner is doing submission to the pool, waiting for a response,
>> then submitting to a local bitcoind. This is because the pool might need to
>> receive/record the share before it processes the block on bitcoind, or you
>> could lose credit for it. The response from the pool is rather small (a single
>> TCP packet), so this shouldn't delay much longer.
> Right, I guess the pool wants to be sure you were actually the one who
> found the share, rather than just someone who was lucky enough to see it
> on the network and submitted it as your own.
>> > ## Reducing bandwidth
>> >
>> > How about for normal shares we just pass the block header, and have the
>> > pool randomly pick a subset of transactions to audit? Any fraud cancels
>> > the users shares. This will work best in conjunction with a UTXO proof
>> > tree to prove fees, or by just picking whole shares randomly to audit.
>> Might as well just use higher difficulty shares (each one audited) for the
>> same effect. Block proposals allow the miner to tell the pool its transaction
>> set once (per txset change) for any number of shares.
> That's a good point - the current practice most pools seem to follow of
> about a share per second seems very excessive to me. On the other hand,
> it does have good user optics. The right solution might be something
> akin to P2Pool where the UI level is telling the user shares are being
> found so it's clear "stuff is happening", but under the hood only a
> small subset are ever sent to the pool.

With the onslaught of ASIC mining, most big pools are past a share per
second.  Variable difficulty or set-to-higher-difficulty quickly
became the norm, almost out of necessity.

Personally, I think most pools should target at _least_ 5-10 seconds
per share, no matter the strength of the miner.

Jeff Garzik
Senior Software Engineer and open source evangelist
BitPay, Inc.      https://bitpay.com/

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