[bitcoin-dev] [Bitcoin Advent Calendar] Oracles, Bonds, and Attestation Chains

ZmnSCPxj ZmnSCPxj at protonmail.com
Sat Dec 18 03:49:15 UTC 2021

Good morning Jeremy,

> Another interesting point: if you use a musig key for your staking key that is musig(a,b,c) you can sign with a until you equivocate once, then switch to b, then c. Three strikes and you're out! IDK what that could be used for.

You could say "oops, I made a mistake, can I correct it by equivocating just this time?".
Three strikes and you are out.

> Lastly, while you can't punish lying, you could say "only the stakers who sign with the majority get allocated reward tokens for that slot". So you could equivocate to switch and get tokens, but you'd burn your collateral for them. But this does make an incentive for the stakers to try to sign the "correct" statement in line with peers.

Note the quote marks around "correct" --- the majority of peers could be conspiring to lie, too.
Conspiracy theory time.....


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