[bitcoin-dev] Trying to patch Core ZMQ "rawtx" topic to only publish unconfirmed transactions: How?

Prayank prayank at tutanota.de
Sat Nov 27 13:42:38 UTC 2021

Hi Ali,

Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but maybe trying to solve this I might also learn few things:

Save zmqpubsequence=tcp:// in bitcoin.conf

Run bitcoind

Run this python script: https://pastebin.com/raw/tNp2x5y3

You will see results like this: 

A - Accepted, C- Connect (block) and R- Removal in the above screenshots

If you are looking for unconfirmed transactions printed in sequence I think this should help. Since transactions can be printed twice (accept,remove) in this case as well, python script can be modified to manage this IMO.

Other alternatives can be debug=mempool and reading debug.log for changes without polling.


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