[bitcoin-dev] CTV Signet Parameters

Jeremy Rubin jeremy.l.rubin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 21:58:38 UTC 2022

Hi devs,

I have been running a CTV signet for around a year and it's seen little
use. Early on I had some issues syncing new nodes, but I have verified
syncability to this signet using
Please use this signet!


This should be operational. Let me know if there are any issues you
experience (likely with signet itself, but CTV too).

Feel free to also email me an address and I can send you some signet coins
-- if anyone is interested in running an automatic faucet I would love help
with that and will send you a lot of coins.

AJ Wrote (in another thread):

>  I'd much rather see some real
>   third-party experimentation *somewhere* public first, and Jeremy's CTV
>   signet being completely empty seems like a bad sign to me. Maybe that
>   means we should tentatively merge the feature and deploy it on the
>   default global signet though?  Not really sure how best to get more
>   real world testing; but "deploy first, test later" doesn't sit right.

I agree that real experimentation would be great, and think that merging
the code (w/o activation) for signet would likely help users v.s. custom

I am unsure that "learning in public" is required -- personally I do
experiments on regtest regularly and on mainnet (using emulators) more
occasionally. I think some of the difficulty is that for setting up signet
stuff you need to wait e.g. 10 minutes for blocks and stuff, source faucet
coins, etc. V.s. regtest you can make tests that run automatically. Maybe
seeing more regtest RPC test samples for regtests would be a sufficient



@JeremyRubin <https://twitter.com/JeremyRubin>
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