[Bitcoin-segwit2x] F2Pool backing out of NYA - Fork still happening?

Jared Lee Richardson jaredr26 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 15:34:36 UTC 2017

> 1. Allow the implementation of Schnorr signatures

AFAIK this isn't being blocked on 2x in any way.

> 2. In parallel, address the issues raised on the segwit2x codebase

What issues?  Mandatory replay protection is the big "issue" and that
is largely a political fight, not a technical one to be "addressed."
There are significant downsides to it for many parties, which is why
it isn't being done.

> 3. Unfreeze the segwit2x code, and seek a dialogue with core on a timeline for a 2x block size increase

Unfortunately the Core development team has shown absolutely zero
interest in compromising in any way except their own
you'll-do-what-we-say compromises, which is a big part of what got us
in this mess.

Even if they did show interest in such a thing, there's basically zero
trust from anyone not already aligned with them.  That lack of trust
in Core's reasonableness is a big part of why BCH happened in the
first place; BCH might not have had enough momentum to get started if
2x had required a hardfork at the segwit activation moment instead of
pre-activating based on future promises. This split in the community
runs DEEP.

> The reason being that we've just had a capacity upgrade and segwit is starting to kick in.

Lol.  The daily average blocksize has literally only been above 1mb
two days since segwit activated[1].  The weekly average blocksize has
literally not even recovered[2] from the pre-segwit mempool crisis
began to seriously damage real uses of Bitcoin[3]. Meanwhile the
mempools had more than 15k transactions pending for ~20 out of the
last 48 hours[4], and the median transaction fee paid is not only
higher than the mid-august pre-segwit median but it is actually rising
for the last 14 days[5].

Segwit2x activated segwit.  Backing out of the 2x part is not an
option, even if Segwit had solved the problems it was supposed to
solve, which it clearly has not.

[1] - https://blockchain.info/charts/avg-block-size?timespan=30days

[2] - https://blockchain.info/charts/avg-block-size?timespan=180days&daysAverageString=7

[3] - https://blog.bitspark.io/bitspark-switching-to-bitshares-for-remittances/
 and  https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-fees-chasing-businesses-away-dash-litecoin-benefit

[4] - https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#2d

[5] - https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/median_transaction_fee-btc-sma7.html#1y

I have a feeling this email message will spawn more political
conversation, so I will do my best to not respond further.


On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 6:41 AM, Melvin Carvalho via Bitcoin-segwit2x
<bitcoin-segwit2x at lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> On 12 October 2017 at 14:49, Peter BitcoinReminder.com via Bitcoin-segwit2x
> <bitcoin-segwit2x at lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>> Since F2Pool stopped signaling for the NYA[1] and slush also mines mostly
>> non-NYA blocks, are you still going to fork off in November - splitting the
>> chain intentionally?
> This is good new information, thanks!
> A sensible approach might be:
> 1. Allow the implementation of Schnorr signatures
> 2. In parallel, address the issues raised on the segwit2x codebase
> 3. Unfreeze the segwit2x code, and seek a dialogue with core on a timeline
> for a 2x block size increase
> The reason being that we've just had a capacity upgrade and segwit is
> starting to kick in.  Blocks are less congested now.  Schnorr will likely
> give another 30% capacity quite soon.  This will allow general hardware
> increases to make moving to 2x blocks, without a contentious hard fork, more
> practical.
> Just my 2 cents.
>>>> [1] https://imgur.com/LgYdFKw
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