[Desktop_architects] [Announce] "Common Desktop Infrastructure" 0.1.0 is released

Tiago Vignatti tvignatti at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 18:36:32 PST 2008

Paul Davis escreveu:
> The X Library API, let alone the X11 protocol itself are more stable
> than any other comparable "graphics architecture" you can name. The Xlib
> API has been stable for nearly 2 decades now, unless you want to include
> extensions, which are almost never, ever the domain of a typical
> application (over the years, they have primarily affected window
> managers).
> The functionality you are referring to, I believe, has very little do
> with the code of a graphics architecture (it may intersect a little with
> issues related to openGL, compositing and WM support). Instead, it has
> everything to do with GUI toolkits. The only reason there is no "stable
> graphical architecture" for Linux is that there are at least two. And
> there will continue to be at least two no matter what you, or I or
> anybody else on this or any other mailing list says about it.

I think I was not so clear. Let me try to explain it again using other 
examples which we have in todays open source X server implementation.

First, is the Multi-Pointer X server, which will need a complete 
reimplementation of the toolkit and also the WM [0]. Another is the 
input hotplug rework which kicks HAL and/or DBUS to tell when a device 
is active/inactive. Both works are already seated in Xorg upstream 
repository and soon will be available in Linux distros. Both are typical 
samples which I tried to explain before and impact in a constantly 
review/update of the Common Desktop Architecture.


[0] http://lwn.net/Articles/267672/

Tiago Vignatti

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