[Fuego] First steps with fuego

Rafael Gago Castano RGC at hms.se
Fri May 12 09:38:47 UTC 2017

For some reason I didn't CC the previous mail to the mailing list but just to you.

> OK.  cmd *should* return the error code from the remote command.
> If it's not, then that's a bug.

Yes, I was in a rush yesterday and I had no time to do the things properly, but I wrote a terse loop with while using "test -f" to poll for file existance on the DUT and it failed, so I wronlgy assumed that was a "cmd" error.

If I write this in the body of a test, the test gets early interrupted and never prints "after" (I'm using the ssh transport):

    echo "before"
    cmd "test -f /tmp/nonexistant-file"
    echo "after"

On the logs I see:

++ echo before
++ cmd 'test -f /tmp/nonexistant'
++ report_devlog 'cmd: test -f /tmp/nonexistant'
++ echo 'cmd: test -f /tmp/nonexistant'
++ ov_transport_cmd 'test -f /tmp/nonexistant'
++ case "$TRANSPORT" in
++ sshpass -e ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p 22 root at 'test -f /tmp/nonexistant'
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
+ signal_handler
+ echo 'in signal_handler'
in signal_handler

> Just FYI - I experimented a bit, and was able to do some conditional
> waiting on the target with:
>  ftc wait-for -t 60 "/bin/bash -c \"source $LOGDIR/prolog.sh ; ov_transport_cmd test -f /tmp/sync_file\""

> This could be improved syntactically, but it did work.  I envision extended 'ftc wait-for' to support
> something like:
>    ftc wait-for "target: test -f /tmp/sync_file"
> for this style of board-side conditional test.

As fuego is writing the test for running in the host, the host is issuing shell comands to the DUT (kind of master-slave), so the HOST to DUT synchronization is already implicit. There already is a clear "happens before" relationship in place.

It's the other way around, the HOST syncing to the DUT that I couldn't fix. I was attempting something similar to this (untested):


# Just clear all the sync files from previous runs
function on_test_start() {
    cmd rm -rf $FUEGO_SYNC_PREFIX && mkdir $FUEGO_SYNC_PREFIX
    #error handling

function wait_for_dut() {
    local SEC=999999
    if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then 
    local ELAPSED=0
    while [[ -n cmd "test -f $FILE" ]]; do
        if [[ $ELAPSED -lt $SEC ]]; then 
            return 1
        sleep 1
        ELAPSED=$((ELAPSED + 1))
    cmd "rm $FILE"
    return 0

> This is probably something that would be good to add to the board file.

I hand't thought that the board files are just sourced and that I can add variables there. That's powerful. In our case we have more than one serial port on each device though.

> That looks great.  I don't know the failure modes for the serial port transfers
> so I can't say how robust this is, but it looks OK to me.  As long as stty observes
> the timeouts, then things shouldn't get stuck.
> I have a minor preference for using TAP format for the test output for these types
> of simple test  - basically formatting the output line as:
> ok <testnum> test description
> But that's not required, and I think this looks like a nice test.
> I'm trying to think how I can try this here.  I have my test board here with the
> serial port connected to the serial console, but maybe I could wire up a second
> one for testing.

Don't bother, I should had posted this as an RFC, I just found easier to share it as a patch than by copying snippets. As the test is done now it isn't guaranteed to work correctly, for doing this test properly the sender (HOST) would need to start sending (echo) after making sure that the DUT is listening (after the launched "dut_rx.sh" script is past the "cat" command => cat launched as a subprocess). The test is failing for me today.


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