[Fuego] Initial support for Linaro test-definitions

Daniel Sangorrin daniel.sangorrin at toshiba.co.jp
Tue Feb 12 08:50:25 UTC 2019

Hello Tim, Milosz

This patch contains an initial implementation of a Fuego test wrapper
for running Linaro test-definitions on Fuego. It is still not complete but
at least smoke tests work.

[PATCH] tests: add support for Linaro test-definitons

To try the patch use these steps:

- prepare SSH_KEY for your board
    Eg: Inside fuego's docker container do
    > su jenkins
    > cp path/to/bbb_id_rsa ~/.ssh/
    > vi ~/.ssh/config
    >  Host <- replace with your boards ip address ($IPADDR)
    >    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bbb_id_rsa
- ftc add-job -b bbb -t Functional.linaro
- execute the job from jenkins
- results
	- table with each test case and the results (PASS/FAIL/SKIP)
	- run.json
	- csv

I have only tested the smoke test definition, but you can try others using
dynamic variables (note: make sure the dependencies are installed on the target for now):

$ ftc run-test -b arinc -t Functional.linaro --dynamic-vars "yaml=./automated/linux/lshw/lshw.yaml"


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