[Fuego] [PATCH 2/2] ftc: implement put-run for squad

Tim.Bird at sony.com Tim.Bird at sony.com
Fri Jan 11 01:50:33 UTC 2019

A few comments inline below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Sangorrin
> This is an early implementation, more debugging is needed
> and there are several FIXTHIS included, but it works.
> You can try it on Ubuntu Xenial with the instructions below.
> Install server application
> 	host$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
> 		[Note] this is required for squad to communicate with celery
> worker tasks
> 	host$ git clone https://github.com/Linaro/squad
> 	host$ cd squad/
> 	host$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3  mysquad
> 	host$ cd squad
> 	host$ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
> 	host$ ./manage.py test
> 	host$ ./manage.py migrate
> 	host$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
> 	host$ ./manage.py runserver
> [Note] The next time you use it use this:
> 	host$ cd squad
> 	host$ workon squad
> 	host$ ./manage.py runserver
> Configure a team and project in Squad
> 	host$ firefox http://localhost:8000/
> 		- click upright > settings
> 			- profile: write your name
> 			- API token: copy the token
> 				-> assign it to "server_squad_token" in
> fuego-ro/fuego.conf
> 		- click upright > Administration
> 			- Authentication and authorization
> 				- Add group (this is a user group!)
> 					- name: myusergroup
> 					- permissons: choose all
> 			- Core
> 				- Add group (this is a team)
> 					- slug=name=fuego
> 						-> assign it to
> "server_squad_team" in fuego-ro/fuego.conf
> 					- description: whatever
> 					- usergroups: myusergroup
> 				- Add project
> 					- group: fuego
> 					- slug=name=jessie
> 						-> assign it to
> "server_squad_project" in fuego-ro/fuego.conf
> Upload a run from Fuego
> 	fuego-docker# ftc list-runs -q
> 		Benchmark.IOzone-default-1-bbb
> 	fuego-docker# ftc put-run Benchmark.IOzone-default-1-bbb
> 		Packaging run 'Benchmark.IOzone-default-1-bbb'
> 		run/
> 		run/devlog.after.txt
> 		run/syslog.before.txt
> 		run/build.xml
> 		run/devlog.txt
> 		run/testlog.txt
> 		run/consolelog.txt
> 		run/run.json
> 		Run packaged successfully, and is at: /tmp/run-
> Benchmark.IOzone-default-1-on-fuegohost:bbb.frp
> 		WARNING: not adding attachment syslog.after
> 		WARNING: not adding attachment test_spec
> 		POSTING to
> http://localhost:8000/api/submit/fuego/jessie/a80be74d1629bdb2455b08db
> 453beba0-4.9.133/bbb-4.9
> 		Run package run-Benchmark.IOzone-default-1-on-
> fuegohost:bbb.frp was accepted by the server.

OK - yeah - this definitely needs a wiki page.  Or, if we like squad enough
we preinstall it in the container and set all this up for at least the local 
instance.  (And we still need a wiki page for how people would change
the settings for a non-local or non-Fuego squad instance.)

> Signed-off-by: Daniel Sangorrin <daniel.sangorrin at toshiba.co.jp>
> ---
>  engine/scripts/ftc | 131
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>  1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/engine/scripts/ftc b/engine/scripts/ftc
> index 73fd98a..ab2d2cb 100755
> --- a/engine/scripts/ftc
> +++ b/engine/scripts/ftc
> @@ -519,9 +519,16 @@ class config_class:
>          # set values from conf_map
>          self.host = conf_map.get("host_name", "localhost")
>          self.host_name = conf_map.get("host_name", "localhost")
> -        self.fuego_server = conf_map.get("fuego_server", "fuegotest.org")
> -        #self.SERVER_URL_BASE =
> "http://%s/server/Fuego_Server?action=Fuego." % self.fuego_server
> -        self.SERVER_URL_BASE = "http://%s/fserver.py/?action=" %
> self.fuego_server
> +        self.server_type = conf_map.get("server_type", "fuego")
> +        self.server_domain = conf_map.get("server_domain", "fuegotest.org")
> +        #self.SERVER_URL_BASE =
> "http://%s/server/Fuego_Server?action=Fuego." % self.server_domain
> +        if self.server_type == "fuego":
> +            self.SERVER_URL_BASE = "http://%s/fserver.py/?action=" %
> self.server_domain
> +        elif self.server_type == "squad":
> +            self.SERVER_URL_BASE = "http://%s/api" % self.server_domain
> +            self.token = conf_map.get("server_squad_token",

I like the stand-in value here. :-)

> +            self.team = conf_map.get("server_squad_team", "fuego")
> +            self.project_id = conf_map.get("server_squad_project",
> "myproject")
>          # handle paths (including relative ones)
>          conf_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_path))
> @@ -3282,6 +3289,103 @@ def do_put_test(conf, options):
>      print "Test package %s was accepted by the server." %
> os.path.basename(test_filepath)
> +def put_run_fuego(conf, run_filepath):
> +    url = conf.SERVER_URL_BASE+"put_run"
> +    run_files = {"file1": open(run_filepath, "rb")}
> +    resp = requests.post(url, files=run_files)
> +    return resp.text.split('\n', 1)
> +
> +def put_run_squad(conf, run_filepath):
> +    # squad doesn't know about fuego run formats
> +    dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
> +    try:
> +        subprocess.check_call('tar -C %s -xf %s' % (dirpath, run_filepath),
> shell=True)
> +        with open(dirpath + '/run/run.json') as f:
> +            json_data = json.load(f)
> +        # create submit url
> +        # Ex:
> http://localhost:8000/api/submit/fuego/Benchmark.Dhrystone/713c5342/bb
> b
> +        # project_id: this is a name for something you want to test periodically.
> +        #   For example, the major version of some software that will be
> updated
> +        #   with bug fixes periodically such as the stable kernel v4.4.y
> +        #   or a rootfs built with a specific yocto branch
> +        #   -> For now, the project_id is specified in fuego.conf using
> server_squad_project.
> +        #      [FIXTHIS] add a command line argument to override it (we don't
> have this concept in fuego)

This begs the question of possibly supporting a plugin architecture
for ftc, for settings and communications protocols for backends.

> +        # build_id: this is something like an unique identifier for a snapshot
> +        #    of your project when you built it. For example, the commit hash of
> +        #    the kernel/yocto repo, the kernel minor version or the date. You
> +        #    can test the same build_id on multiple environments
> (boards/kernels)

> +        #    for comparison.
> +        #   -> For now, just use the testsuite_version and kernel_version
> +        #      [FIXTHIS] add a command line argument to override it (we don't
> have this concept in fuego)
> +        # env_id: this is the environment for the test
> +        #   -> For now, use the board name and kernel_major_version
> +        #      [FIXTHIS] add a command line argument to override it
> +        project_id = conf.project_id
> +        build_id = json_data['metadata']['testsuite_version'] + '-' +
> json_data['metadata']['kernel_version']
> +        kernel_major_version =
> '.'.join(json_data['metadata']['kernel_version'].split('.')[:2])
> +        env_id = json_data['metadata']['board'] + '-' + kernel_major_version
> +        url = "%s/submit/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (conf.SERVER_URL_BASE,
> conf.team, project_id, build_id, env_id)
> +
> +        # prepare a multipart files dict for posting
> +        files = []
> +        ## prepare metadata file
> +        metadata = json_data['metadata']
> +        # the job_id needs to be unique within the project, it identifies a run
fserver requires something like this as well.  I don't recall if I'm using timestamp,
but I might be.

> +        timestamp = metadata['timestamp'].replace(':', 'colon').replace('+',
> 'plus')
OK - I presume that ':' and '+' are illegal chars for squad job ids?  this probably
produces pretty ugly job ids though.  Could you just strip them?

> +        metadata['job_id'] = '-'.join((metadata['job_name'],
> metadata['build_number'], metadata['kernel_version'], timestamp))
> +        metadata['job_status'] = json_data['status']
> +        metadata['datetime'] = metadata['timestamp']
> +        files.append(('metadata', ('metadata', json.dumps(metadata))))
> +        ## prepare tests and metrics files
> +        test_sets = json_data['test_sets']
> +        tests = dict()
> +        metrics = dict()
> +        suite = json_data['name'].split('.')[1]
> +        #tests[suite] = json_data['status']
> +        for test_set in test_sets:
> +            test_set_key = os.path.join(suite, test_set['name'])
> +            #tests[test_set_key] = test_set['status']
> +            for test_case in test_set['test_cases']:
> +                test_case_key = os.path.join(test_set_key, test_case['name'])
> +                if 'measurements' in test_case:
> +                    for test_measure in test_case['measurements']:
> +                        test_measure_key = os.path.join(test_case_key,
> test_measure['name'])
> +                        # use the suite name to group all subtests
> +                        squad_key = suite + '/' + test_measure_key.replace('/','_')
> +                        tests[squad_key] = test_measure['status']
> +                        if test_measure['status'] != 'SKIP':
> +                            metrics[squad_key] = [test_measure['measure']]
> +                else:
> +                    squad_key= suite + '/' + test_case_key.replace('/','_')
> +                    tests[squad_key] = test_case['status']
> +        files.append(('tests', ('tests', json.dumps(tests))))
> +        files.append(('metrics', ('metrics', json.dumps(metrics))))
> +        ## prepare attachments
> +        for attachment in metadata['attachments']:
> +            abs_path = dirpath + '/run/' + attachment['path']
> +            if os.path.isfile(abs_path):
> +                files.append(('attachment', (attachment['path'], open(abs_path,
> 'rb'))))
> +            else:
> +                print("WARNING: not adding attachment " + attachment['name'])
> +
> +        # set token
> +        headers = {}
> +        headers['Auth-Token'] = conf.token
> +
> +        print("POSTING to " + url)
> +        response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files)
> +        if str(response.status_code)[:1] == "2":
> +            result = 'OK'
> +        else:
> +            result = 'NG'
> +        content = response.text.split('\n', 1)
> +    except Exception as e:
> +        result = "NG"
> +        content = 'Exception in ftc'
> +        print_error(str(e))
> +    finally:
> +        shutil.rmtree(dirpath)
> +    return result, content
>  def do_put_run(conf, options):
>      # FIXTHIS - could consolidate do_put_test and do_put_run into
> do_put_item
> @@ -3302,16 +3406,19 @@ def do_put_run(conf, options):
>          created_package = True
>          run_filepath = do_package_run(conf, [run_arg, "-o", "/tmp"])
> -    url = conf.SERVER_URL_BASE+"put_run"
> -    run_files = {"file1": open(run_filepath, "rb")}
> -    resp = requests.post(url, files=run_files)
> -    if created_package:
> -        os.remove(run_filepath)
> -    result, content = resp.text.split('\n', 1)
> -    if result != "OK":
> -        error_out("Can't put run to server\nServer returned message: %s" %
> content)
> +    try:
> +        if conf.server_type == "fuego":
> +            result, content = put_run_fuego(conf, run_filepath)
> +        elif conf.server_type == "squad":
> +            result, content = put_run_squad(conf, run_filepath)
> +    finally:
> +        if created_package:
> +            os.remove(run_filepath)
> -    print "Run package %s was accepted by the server." %
> os.path.basename(run_filepath)
> +    if result != "OK":
> +        print("Can't put run to server\nServer returned message: %s" %
> content)
> +    else:
> +        print "Run package %s was accepted by the server." %
> os.path.basename(run_filepath)
>  # returns a matching item (which must be unique)
>  # from a list.  A matching item is one with leading
> --
> 2.7.4

Looks good for a prototype.

I'm applying as is.
 -- Tim

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