[Lightning-dev] Lightning dice

Anthony Towns aj at erisian.com.au
Mon Jan 25 11:34:30 UTC 2021

Hey all,

Here's a rough design for doing something like satoshi dice (ie, gambling
on "guess the number I'm thinking of" but provably fair after the fact
[0]) on lighting, at least once PTLCs exist.

[0] https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/4609/how-can-a-wager-with-satoshidice-be-proven-to-be-fair

The security model is that if the casino cheats, you can prove they
cheated, but turning that proof into a way of getting your just rewards
is out of scope. (You could use the proof to discourage other people
from losing their money at the casino, or perhaps use it as evidence to
get a court or the police to act in your favour)

That we don't try to cryptographically guarantee the payout means we
can send both bets over lightning, but don't need to reserve the funds
for the bet payout for the lifetime of the bet. The idea is that's much
friendlier to the lightning network (you're not holding up funds of the
intermediary routing nodes) and it requires less capital to run the casino
than other approaches.

So the first thing to do is to set up a wager, between Bob the better
and Carol the casino, say. Carol offers a standard bet to anyone, say
1.8% chance of winning and a 50x payout, with up to 200 satoshi stake
(so 10k satoshi max payout).

We assume the bet is implemented as Bob and Carol both picking random
numbers (b and c, respectively), and who wins being decided based on
the relationship between those numbers.

We start off with two messages:

  m1: "C owes B ${amount}, provided values b and c are given where
       0 <= (b+c)%500 < 9 and b*G = ${Pb} and c*G = ${Pc}"

  m2: "C has paid B ${amount} for the ${b} ${c} bet"

The first message, if signed by C, and accompanied by consisent values
for b and c, serves as proof that Bob took the bet and won. The second
message, if signed by B, serves as proof that Carol didn't cheat Bob.

So the idea then is that Bob should get a signature for the first message
as soon as he pays the lightning invoice for the bet, and Carol should
get a signature for the latter, as soon as she's gotten the payout
after winning.

PTLCs make this possible, because when verifying a Schnorr signature,
you want:

  s*G = R + H(R,P,m)*P

but if you provide (R,P,m) initially, then you can calculate the right
hand side of the equation as the point, and then use a PTLC on that
point to pay for its preimage "s", at which point you have both s,R
which is the signature you were hoping for.

But you want to be even cleverer than this -- because as soon as Bob pays
Carol, Bob needs to not only have the signature but also have Carol's
"c". He can't have "c" before he pays, because that would allow him to
cheat (he could choose to bet only when the value of c guarantees he
wins). We can do that by making it an adaptor signature conditional on
c. That is, provide R,(s-c) as the adaptor signature instead of R,s.
Bob can verify "s-c" is correct, by verifying:

  (s-c)*G = R + H(R,P,m)*P - C

So the protocol becomes:

1 -- Setup)
  Bob has a pubkey B; picks random number b, calculates Pb = b*G.
  Sends bet, B, Pb to Carol.

  Carol decides she wants to accept the bet.
  Carol picks c, calculates Pc = c*G.
  Carol calculates m1(amount=50*bet, C, B, Pb, Pc), and generates a
   signature R1,s1 for it.
  Carol sends Pc,R1,(s1-c) to Bob, and a PTLC invoice for (bet,Pc)

  Bob checks the adaptor signature -- (s1-c)*G = R1 + H(C,R1,m1)*C - Pc

2 -- Bet)
  Bob pays the invoice, receiving "c".
  Bob checks if (b+c)%500 < 9, and if it isn't stops, having lost the
  Bob calculates m2(amount=50*bet, b, c) and produces a signature for
    it, namely R2,s2.
  Bob calculates S2=s2*G.
  Bob sends b, R2 to Carol, and a PTLC invoice for (50*bet, S2)

3 -- Payout)
  Carol checks b,c complies with the bet parameters.
  Carol checks the signature -- S2 = R2 + H(R2,B,m2)*B
  Carol pays the invoice, receiving s2
I think it's pretty straightforward to see how this meets the goals:
as soon as Bob puts up the bet money, he can prove to anyone whether or
not he won the bet; and as soon as Carol pays, she has proof that she

Note that Bob could abort the protocol with a winning bet before
requesting the payout from Carol -- he already has enough info to prove
he's won and claim Carol isn't paying him out at this point. 

One way of dealing with this is to vet Bob's claim by sending b,R2 and a
PTLC invoice of (50*bet,S2) to Carol with yourself as the recipient -- you
can construct all that info from Bob's claim that Carol is cheating. If
Carol isn't cheating, she won't be able to tell you're not Bob and
will try paying the PTLC; at which point you know Carol's not cheating.
This protocol does't work without better spam defenses in lightning --
PTLC payments have to be serialised or Carol risks sending the payout
to Bob multiple times, and if many people want to verify Carol is(n't)
cheating, they can be delayed by just one verifier forcing Carol to wait
for the PTLC timeout to be reached.

Another way of dealing with it, at least for large payouts, is to just
put the payout on the blockchain in a way that's claimable by Bob with
the same signature, for some reasonable period of time.

It might be useful to add a third payment: when Bob *loses* the bet,
it may make sene for Carol to pay back a small fraction of the original
bet for Bob to reveal their losing guess "b" -- that allows Carol to
stop storing old values of c/Hb/B that won't be claimed later, and it
lets Bob gain confidence that he can receive funds even when he loses a
bet, rather than discovering that there's mysterious network issue
blocking payments only when he's won big.

I think this should scale pretty well: small bets are coming in over
lightning, and the payouts are going out over lightning, so this should
lead to fairly balanced channels (depending on how low the profits are).
And there's no particular carrying cost, so I think this could work with
bets that aren't resolved instantly, though I'm also pretty sure there's
some potential traps there too.

It should also generalise pretty well -- the rules are all in message
"m1", but that doesn't ever go on the blockchain, so you could invent
an arbitrarily complicated language for m1 -- eg, you could construct 
a lotto-like system where you guess multiple numbers and the more you
get correct, the higher the payout.

But more interestingly, I think you could also add in oracles in
a straightforward manner, and thus do sports gambling or prediction
markets on top of it, and maybe some sorts of derivatives more generally?

I think it's got some drawbacks that prevent it from being a 100% DeFi
killer -- you can't atomically combine bets against different casinos
and guarantee a riskless win in the same way you can do arbitrage with
blockchain-based DeFi (modulo MEV concerns).

I believe it should be possible to do PTLCs over lightning in practice
already via:


and, of course, if anyone's running lightning on signet, you should
be able to implement schnorr/taproot-based PTLCs there as well, since
taproot is already enabled on signet.


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