[Lightning-dev] A Mobile Lightning User Goes to Pay a Mobile Lightning User...

ZmnSCPxj ZmnSCPxj at protonmail.com
Wed Oct 13 09:58:40 UTC 2021

Good morning Matt,

>     The Obvious (tm) solution here is PTLCs - just have the sender always add some random nonce * G to
>     the PTLC they're paying and send the recipient a random nonce in the onion. I'd generally suggest we
>     just go ahead and do this for every PTLC payment, cause why not? Now the sender and the lnurl
>     endpoint have to collude to steal the funds, but, like, the sender could always just give the lnurl
>     endpoint the money. I'd love suggestions for fixing this short of PTLCs, but its not immediately
>     obvious to me that this is possible.

Use two hashes in an HTLC instead of one, where the second hash is from a preimage the sender generates, and which the sender sends (encrypted via onion) to the receiver.
You might want to do this anyway in HTLC-land, consider that we have a `payment_secret` in invoices, the second hash could replace that, and provide similar protection to what `payment_secret` provides (i.e. resistance against forwarding nodes probing; the information in both cases is private to the ultimate sender and ultimate reeceiver).

In addition, I suspect (but have not worked out yet) that this would allow some kind of Barrier Escrow-like mechanism while still in HTLC-land.

Otherwise, just PTLC, man, everyone wants PTLC.


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