[Lightning-dev] Onion messages rate-limiting

Bastien TEINTURIER bastien at acinq.fr
Wed Jun 29 08:28:26 UTC 2022

During the recent Oakland Dev Summit, some lightning engineers got
together to discuss DoS
protection for onion messages. Rusty proposed a very simple
rate-limiting scheme that
statistically propagates back to the correct sender, which we describe
in details below.

You can also read this in gist format if that works better for you [1].

Nodes apply per-peer rate limits on _incoming_ onion messages that
should be relayed (e.g.
N/seconds with some burst tolerance). It is recommended to allow more
onion messages from
peers with whom you have channels, for example 10/seconds when you
have a channel and 1/second
when you don't.

When relaying an onion message, nodes keep track of where it came from
(by using the `node_id` of
the peer who sent that message). Nodes only need the last such
`node_id` per outgoing connection,
which ensures the memory footprint is very small. Also, this data
doesn't need to be persisted.

Let's walk through an example to illustrate this mechanism:

* Bob receives an onion message from Alice that should be relayed to Carol
* After relaying that message, Bob stores Alice's `node_id` in its
per-connection state with Carol
* Bob receives an onion message from Eve that should be relayed to Carol
* After relaying that message, Bob replaces Alice's `node_id` with
Eve's `node_id` in its
per-connection state with Carol
* Bob receives an onion message from Alice that should be relayed to Dave
* After relaying that message, Bob stores Alice's `node_id` in its
per-connection state with Dave
* ...

We introduce a new message that will be sent when dropping an incoming
onion message because it
reached rate limits:

1. type: 515 (`onion_message_drop`)
2. data:
   * [`rate_limited`:`u8`]
   * [`shared_secret_hash`:`32*byte`]

Whenever an incoming onion message reaches the rate limit, the
receiver sends `onion_message_drop`
to the sender. The sender looks at its per-connection state to find
where the message was coming
from and relays `onion_message_drop` to the last sender, halving their
rate limits with that peer.

If the sender doesn't overflow the rate limit again, the receiver
should double the rate limit
after 30 seconds, until it reaches the default rate limit again.

The flow will look like:

Alice                      Bob                      Carol
  |                         |                         |
  |      onion_message      |                         |
  |------------------------>|                         |
  |                         |      onion_message      |
  |                         |------------------------>|
  |                         |    onion_message_drop   |
  |                         |<------------------------|
  |    onion_message_drop   |                         |
  |<------------------------|                         |

The `shared_secret_hash` field contains a BIP 340 tagged hash of the
Sphinx shared secret of the
rate limiting peer (in the example above, Carol):

* `shared_secret_hash = SHA256(SHA256("onion_message_drop") ||
SHA256("onion_message_drop") || sphinx_shared_secret)`

This value is known by the node that created the onion message: if
`onion_message_drop` propagates
all the way back to them, it lets them know which part of the route is
congested, allowing them
to retry through a different path.

Whenever there is some latency between nodes and many onion messages,
`onion_message_drop` may
be relayed to the incorrect incoming peer (since we only store the
`node_id` of the _last_ incoming
peer in our outgoing connection state). The following example highlights this:

 Eve                       Bob                      Carol
  |      onion_message      |                         |
  |------------------------>|      onion_message      |
  |      onion_message      |------------------------>|
  |------------------------>|      onion_message      |
  |      onion_message      |------------------------>|
  |------------------------>|      onion_message      |
Alice                       |    onion_message_drop   |
  |      onion_message      |                    +----|
  |------------------------>|      onion_message |    |
  |                         |--------------------|--->|
  |                         |                    |    |
  |                         |                    |    |
  |                         |                    |    |
  |    onion_message_drop   |<-------------------+    |
  |<------------------------|                         |

In this example, Eve is spamming but `onion_message_drop` is
propagated back to Alice instead.
However, this scheme will _statistically_ penalize the right incoming
peer (with a probability
depending on the volume of onion messages that the spamming peer is
generating compared to the
volume of legitimate onion messages).

It is an interesting research problem to find formulas for those
probabilities to evaluate how
efficient this will be against various types of spam. We hope
researchers on this list will be
interested in looking into it and will come up with a good model to
evaluate that scheme.

To increase the accuracy of attributing `onion_message_drop`, more
data could be stored in the
future if it becomes necessary. We need more research to quantify how
much accuracy would be
gained by storing more data and making the protocol more complex.


[1] https://gist.github.com/t-bast/e37ee9249d9825e51d260335c94f0fcf
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