[Linux-kernel-mentees] [PATCH] parsing_c: handle space and ctx newline around minus toks

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 09:34:07 UTC 2019

Handle the following case:

	space + minus + context newline

In this case, the space should be dropped except if it is followed
by any newline. This should be done just before the minus tokens
are removed from the token stream.

This is useful for situations like the following. Here, the space next to
the right paranthesis should be dropped:

	-result = b;
	goto c;

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 parsing_c/unparse_c.ml | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_c/unparse_c.ml b/parsing_c/unparse_c.ml
index 778a59ab..c6478c5a 100644
--- a/parsing_c/unparse_c.ml
+++ b/parsing_c/unparse_c.ml
@@ -1300,21 +1300,28 @@ let rec drop_space_at_endline = function
     drop_space_at_endline rest
   | ((T2(Parser_c.TCommentSpace _,Ctx,_i,_h)) as a)::rest ->
     let (outer_spaces,rest) = span is_space rest in
-    let minus_or_comment_or_space_nocpp = function
-      | (T2(Parser_c.TCommentNewline _,_,_i,_)) -> false
-      | T2(_,Min adj,_,_) -> true
-      | (T2(Parser_c.TCommentSpace _,Ctx,_i,_)) -> true
+    let match_till_context_nl = function
+      | (T2(Parser_c.TCommentNewline _,_,_i,_) :: _) -> false
+      | (T2(_,Min adj,_,_) :: _) -> true
       | x -> false in
-    let (minus,rest) = span minus_or_comment_or_space_nocpp rest in
-    let fail _ = a :: outer_spaces @ minus @ (drop_space_at_endline rest) in
-    if List.exists is_minus minus
+    if match_till_context_nl rest
-      match rest with
-      | ((T2(Parser_c.TCommentNewline _,Ctx,_i,_h)) as a)::rest ->
-        (* drop trailing spaces *)
-        minus @ a :: (drop_space_at_endline rest)
-      | _ -> fail ()
-    else fail ()
+      let minus_or_comment_or_space_nocpp = function
+        | (T2(Parser_c.TCommentNewline _,Ctx,_i,_)) -> false
+        | T2(_,Min adj,_,_) -> true
+        | (T2(Parser_c.TCommentSpace _,Ctx,_i,_)) -> true
+        | x -> false in
+      let (minus,rest) = span minus_or_comment_or_space_nocpp rest in
+      let fail _ = a :: outer_spaces @ minus @ (drop_space_at_endline rest) in
+      if List.exists is_minus minus
+      then
+        match rest with
+        | ((T2(Parser_c.TCommentNewline _,Ctx,_i,_h)) as a)::rest ->
+          (* drop trailing spaces *)
+          minus @ a :: (drop_space_at_endline rest)
+        | _ -> fail ()
+      else fail ()
+    else a :: outer_spaces @ (drop_space_at_endline rest)
   | a :: rest ->
     a :: drop_space_at_endline rest

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