[Linux-kernel-mentees] [RFC PATCH 18/25] parsing_c: parser: Make abstract_declarator pass attributes

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 09:17:54 UTC 2020

The attributes in abstract_declarator can be used for adding parameter
attributes, cast attributes and others to the C AST. Make
abstract_declarator pass these attributes in a tuple.

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 parsing_c/parser_c.mly | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
index da6b9c7b..0c3da206 100644
--- a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
+++ b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
@@ -1397,13 +1397,14 @@ tccro: TCCro { dt "tccro" ();$1 }
- | pointer                            { snd $1 }
- |         direct_abstract_declarator { $1 }
- | pointer direct_abstract_declarator { fun x -> x +> $2 +> (snd $1) }
+ | pointer                            { $1 }
+ |         direct_abstract_declarator { ([], $1) }
+ | pointer direct_abstract_declarator
+     { (fst $1, fun x -> x +> $2 +> (snd $1)) }
  | TOPar abstract_declarator TCPar /*(* forunparser: old: $2 *)*/
-     { fun x -> mk_ty (ParenType ($2 x)) [$1;$3] }
+     { fun x -> mk_ty (ParenType ((snd $2) x)) [$1;$3] }
  | TOCro            TCCro
      { fun x -> mk_ty (Array (None, x)) [$1;$2] }
@@ -1461,7 +1462,7 @@ parameter_decl2:
      { LP.kr_impossible();
        let ((returnType,hasreg), iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam (snd $1) in
        { p_namei = None;
-         p_type = $2 returnType;
+         p_type = (snd $2) returnType;
          p_register = hasreg, iihasreg;
@@ -2118,7 +2119,7 @@ define_val:
  | decl_spec abstract_declarator
      { let returnType = fixDeclSpecForMacro (snd $1) in
-       let typ = $2 returnType in
+       let typ = (snd $2) returnType in
        DefineType typ

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