[Linux-kernel-mentees] [PATCH 01/30] parsing_cocci: ast0_cocci: Add Macrodecl attributes

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Sun May 24 17:19:06 UTC 2020

Add Macrodecl attributes to AST0 of SmPL. These attributes are for the
MacroDecl type of SmPL AST0.

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.ml  | 3 ++-
 parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.mli | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.ml b/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.ml
index a06d99ae..bf2b5633 100644
--- a/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.ml
+++ b/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.ml
@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ and base_declaration =
   | TyDecl of typeC * string mcode (* ; *)
   | MacroDecl of Ast.storage mcode option *
 	ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
-        expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (* ; *)
+        expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) *
+        attr list * string mcode (* ; *)
   | MacroDeclInit of Ast.storage mcode option *
 	ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
         expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (*=*) *
diff --git a/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.mli b/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.mli
index 5c2520be..e2a9a9d8 100644
--- a/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.mli
+++ b/parsing_cocci/ast0_cocci.mli
@@ -243,7 +243,8 @@ and base_declaration =
   | TyDecl of typeC * string mcode (* ; *)
   | MacroDecl of Ast_cocci.storage mcode option *
 	ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
-        expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (* ; *)
+        expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) *
+        attr list * string mcode (* ; *)
   | MacroDeclInit of Ast_cocci.storage mcode option *
 	ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
         expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (*=*) *

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