[Linux-kernel-mentees] [PATCH 04/30] parsing_cocci: unparse_ast0: Reflect Macrodecl attributes

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Sun May 24 17:19:09 UTC 2020

Macrodecl attributes are added to the SmPL AST. Reflect these changes in

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 parsing_cocci/unparse_ast0.ml | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_cocci/unparse_ast0.ml b/parsing_cocci/unparse_ast0.ml
index fdaf6cfa..4e2a09f9 100644
--- a/parsing_cocci/unparse_ast0.ml
+++ b/parsing_cocci/unparse_ast0.ml
@@ -422,11 +422,14 @@ and declaration d =
 	  parameter_list params; varargs va;
 	  close_box(); mcode print_string rp1;
 	  mcode print_string sem
-      | Ast0.MacroDecl(stg,name,lp,args,rp,sem) ->
+      | Ast0.MacroDecl(stg,name,lp,args,rp,attr,sem) ->
 	  print_option (mcode U.storage) stg;
 	  ident name; mcode print_string_box lp;
 	  let _ = dots (function _ -> ()) expression args in
-	  close_box(); mcode print_string rp; mcode print_string sem
+	  close_box(); mcode print_string rp;
+	  (if not (attr = []) then print_string " ");
+	  print_between (fun _ -> print_string " ") (mcode print_string) attr;
+	  mcode print_string sem
       | Ast0.MacroDeclInit(stg,name,lp,args,rp,eq,ini,sem) ->
 	  print_option (mcode U.storage) stg;
 	  ident name; mcode print_string_box lp;

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