[Linux-kernel-mentees] [PATCH v2 20/25] parsing_c: parser: Place parameter attributes in C AST

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Thu May 28 12:24:22 UTC 2020

Parameter attributes are needed so as to not break the nocast test case
when attributes are fully supported. Add parameter attributes to the C

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 parsing_c/parser_c.mly | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
index 57528dfc..cd997aaa 100644
--- a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
+++ b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ new_argument:
      { let ty = addTypeD ($1,nullDecl) in
        let ((returnType,hasreg), iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam ty in
        Right (ArgType { p_namei = None; p_type = returnType;
-			p_register = hasreg, iihasreg;
+                        p_register = hasreg, iihasreg; p_attr = [];
 		      } )
  | new_argument TOCro expr TCCro
@@ -1447,23 +1447,28 @@ parameter_decl2:
      { p_namei = Some name;
        p_type = mk_ty NoType [];
        p_register = (false, []);
+       p_attr = [];
  | decl_spec declaratorp
      { LP.kr_impossible();
        let ((returnType,hasreg),iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam (snd $1) in
-       let (name, ftyp) = $2 in
+       let attrs = (fst $1) @ (fst $2) in
+       let (name, ftyp) = snd $2 in
        { p_namei = Some (name);
          p_type = ftyp returnType;
          p_register = (hasreg, iihasreg);
+         p_attr = attrs;
  | decl_spec abstract_declaratorp
      { LP.kr_impossible();
        let ((returnType,hasreg), iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam (snd $1) in
+       let attrs = (fst $1) @ (fst $2) in
        { p_namei = None;
          p_type = (snd $2) returnType;
          p_register = hasreg, iihasreg;
+         p_attr = attrs;
  | decl_spec
@@ -1472,6 +1477,7 @@ parameter_decl2:
        { p_namei = None;
          p_type = returnType;
          p_register = hasreg, iihasreg;
+         p_attr = fst $1;
@@ -1484,11 +1490,11 @@ parameter_decl: parameter_decl2 { et "param" ();  $1 }
  | declarator  { let (attr,dec) = $1 in (* attr gets ignored *)
-                 LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst dec)); dec }
+                 LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst dec)); attr, dec }
  /*(* gccext: *)*/
  | declarator attributes
                { let (attr,dec) = $1 in (* attr gets ignored *)
-                 LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst dec)); dec }
+                 LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst dec)); attr, dec }
  | abstract_declarator { $1 }

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