[Linux-kernel-mentees] [PATCH v3 01/32] parsing_c: parser: Pass attribute list from type_name

Jaskaran Singh jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com
Fri May 29 12:06:31 UTC 2020

To add Cast attributes to the C AST, pass attributes from the type_name
rule of the C parser.

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <jaskaransingh7654321 at gmail.com>
 ocaml/coccilib.mli     |  3 ++-
 parsing_c/parse_c.ml   |  4 +++-
 parsing_c/parser_c.mly | 24 ++++++++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ocaml/coccilib.mli b/ocaml/coccilib.mli
index 747cc9ce..30cb1a08 100644
--- a/ocaml/coccilib.mli
+++ b/ocaml/coccilib.mli
@@ -792,7 +792,8 @@ module Parser_c :
       (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Ast_c.statement
     val expr : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Ast_c.expression
     val type_name :
-      (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Ast_c.fullType
+      (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf ->
+      Ast_c.attribute list * Ast_c.fullType
 module Lexer_c :
diff --git a/parsing_c/parse_c.ml b/parsing_c/parse_c.ml
index ef4482f5..5574cb11 100644
--- a/parsing_c/parse_c.ml
+++ b/parsing_c/parse_c.ml
@@ -374,7 +374,9 @@ let parse_gen ~cpp ~tos parsefunc infos s =
 (* Please DO NOT remove this code, even though most of it is not used *)
-let type_of_string       = parse_gen ~cpp:false ~tos:true Parser_c.type_name None
+let type_of_string s     =
+  let typname = parse_gen ~cpp:false ~tos:true Parser_c.type_name None s in
+  Common.snd typname
 let statement_of_string  = parse_gen ~cpp:false ~tos:false Parser_c.statement None
 let expression_of_string = parse_gen ~cpp:false ~tos:false Parser_c.expr None
 let cpp_expression_of_string = parse_gen ~cpp:true ~tos:false Parser_c.expr
diff --git a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
index b7e74506..1630ed77 100644
--- a/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
+++ b/parsing_c/parser_c.mly
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ let postfakeInfo pii  =
 %type <Ast_c.statement> statement
 %type <Ast_c.expression> expr
-%type <Ast_c.fullType> type_name
+%type <Ast_c.attribute list * Ast_c.fullType> type_name
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ arith_expr:
  | unary_expr                        { $1 }
- | topar2 type_name tcpar2 cast_expr { mk_e(Cast ($2, $4)) [$1;$3] }
+ | topar2 type_name tcpar2 cast_expr { mk_e(Cast (snd $2, $4)) [$1;$3] }
 It could be useful to have the following, but there is no place for the
 attribute in the AST.
@@ -831,7 +831,11 @@ unary_expr:
  | TDec unary_expr                 { mk_e(Infix ($2, Dec))    [$1] }
  | unary_op cast_expr              { mk_e(Unary ($2, fst $1)) [snd $1] }
  | Tsizeof unary_expr              { mk_e(SizeOfExpr ($2))    [$1] }
- | Tsizeof topar2 type_name tcpar2 { mk_e(SizeOfType ($3))    [$1;$2;$4] }
+ | Tsizeof topar2 type_name tcpar2
+     { let ret = mk_e(SizeOfType (snd $3)) [$1;$2;$4] in
+       match (fst $3) with (* warn about dropped attributes *)
+         [] -> ret
+       | _ -> warning "attributes found in sizeof(...), dropping" ret }
  | Tnew new_argument               { mk_e(New (None, $2))     [$1] }
  | Tnew TOPar argument_list_ne TCPar new_argument { mk_e(New (Some $3, $5))             [$1; $2; $4] }
  | Tdelete cast_expr               { mk_e(Delete(false, $2))  [$1] }
@@ -897,9 +901,9 @@ postfix_expr:
  /*(* gccext: also called compound literals *)*/
  | topar2 type_name tcpar2 TOBrace TCBrace
-     { mk_e(Constructor ($2, (InitList [], [$4;$5]))) [$1;$3] }
+     { mk_e(Constructor (snd $2, (InitList [], [$4;$5]))) [$1;$3] }
  | topar2 type_name tcpar2 TOBrace initialize_list gcc_comma_opt_struct TCBrace
-     { mk_e(Constructor ($2, (InitList (List.rev $5),[$4;$7] @ $6))) [$1;$3] }
+     { mk_e(Constructor (snd $2, (InitList (List.rev $5),[$4;$7] @ $6))) [$1;$3] }
@@ -1298,7 +1302,11 @@ type_spec2:
        Right3 (TypeName (name, Ast_c.noTypedefDef())),[] }
  | Ttypeof TOPar assign_expr TCPar { Right3 (TypeOfExpr ($3)), [$1;$2;$4] }
- | Ttypeof TOPar type_name   TCPar { Right3 (TypeOfType ($3)), [$1;$2;$4] }
+ | Ttypeof TOPar type_name   TCPar
+     { let ret = Right3 (TypeOfType (snd $3)), [$1;$2;$4] in
+       match (fst $3) with (* warn about dropped attributes *)
+         [] -> ret
+       | _ -> warning "attributes found in typeof(...), dropping" ret }
 /*(* workarounds *)*/
@@ -1532,12 +1540,12 @@ type_qualif_list:
  | spec_qualif_list
      { let (attrs, ds) = $1 in
-       let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl ds in returnType }
+       let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl ds in (attrs, returnType) }
  | spec_qualif_list abstract_declaratort
      { let (attrs1, ds) = $1 in
        let (attrs2, fn) = $2 in
        let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl ds in
-       fn returnType }
+       (attrs1 at attrs2, fn returnType) }

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