LFX Mentorship summer intership

Pavel Skripkin paskripkin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 07:21:04 UTC 2021

On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 09:12:03 +0200
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn at gmail.com> wrote:


> Haizhou,
> please register on the LFX mentorship site
> (https://mentorship.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/project/8f69e012-08d0-4e2b-baa7-9143b5f98823)
> for this project and provide all required information there.
> Then subscribe to the linux-kernel-mentees mailing list (see CC), our
> main channel for communication, and send an email with the following
> subject and message in plain-text (not HTML):

Dumb question: is this email required for all mentorships? I send an
application to other linux kernel mentorship(bug fix), but I didn't find
any inforamtion about sending an email.

> subject: [Mining for Maintainers] Interest in Mentorship: <your name>
> message:
> Lukas, I am interested in the mentorship Mining for Maintainers.
> Please provide me with the required technical tasks for the mentee
> selection.
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-kernel-mentees mailing list
> Linux-kernel-mentees at lists.linuxfoundation.org
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-kernel-mentees

With regards,
Pavel Skripkin

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