File Systems.

Nicholas Petreley nicholas at
Fri Mar 17 14:11:16 PST 2000

* gk4 at (gk4 at [000317 06:44]:
> In general, I like the idea of /opt for non-essential post-installed
> packages and /usr/local for system admin built/install stuff.   I would
> like be able to install new packages all day long in my 20GB /opt and not
> have to worry about / or /usr

That's how it works in the FHS 2.0 spec, which is what I thought we were
adopting (or 2.1, or whatever).  

While I think discussion about these issues is always healthy, it does worry
me that we're still arguing about something that should be a no-brainer by
now.  If the LSB doesn't produce a usable spec soon, it won't matter how
perfect that spec may be - ISVs want to produce their software for Linux
(vs. specific distros) *now*.  How long do you think it will be before ISVs
and other developers give up on the LSB and consider us irrelevant?  That
would be a crime much greater than whatever one thinks about /usr/bin vs.


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Nicholas Petreley                   LinuxWorld - InfoWorld
nicholas at - - Eph 6:12

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