extension of lsb packages

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Sun Mar 3 07:48:52 PST 2002

> This is Unix (well, almost) folks. Any tool that depends on 
> the extension of a filename to work properly is simply 
> broken.

That's a silly statement.  The rule is that the extensions
don't matter to the /kernel/ - and they don't - but they may 
matter to programs that are going to process a particular
file, and there are plenty of examples where they do.  Try 
using the C compiler to compile a source file you've chosen 
to name foo.q 

Nonetheless, this is a problem we need to solve cleanly,
and solving it just by suffixes is probably not sufficient,
although perhaps a useful hint to humans.

* How can an LSB RPM be distinguished from a non-LSB one?

* Can this be done without requiring existing tools to rev?

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