[lsb-discuss] lsb_appchk bug

Robert Schweikert Robert.Schweikert at abaqus.com
Mon Jul 24 06:36:57 PDT 2006

When running lsb_appchk on the Intel library libcxaguard.so.5 the tool
provides an incorrect error message and core dumps:

Section[10] .eh_frame    .eh_frame
Section .eh_frame: sh_flags is wrong. expecting 2, got 3
checking .eh_frame 98 bytes at 560
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Intel support provided the following explanation.

3 is ET_DYN. As this is a dynamic library, this is correct. So this tool

The object does not have an eh_frame section. No doubt that's why you
get the seg fault. Also the error message is wrong. There is no
requirement fro a dso to have an .eh_frame section.

So I am closing this as third party problem since its clearly the
checking tool that is broken.


Robert Schweikert                   MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
(Robert.Schweikert at abaqus.com)                 LINUX
Phone : 401-276-7190
FAX : 401-276-4408

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