[lsb-discuss] Linux distributions and LSB certification/compliance status

Ian Murdock imurdock at imurdock.com
Fri Sep 1 08:38:13 PDT 2006

We've had numerous requests to publish a complete list of Linux
distributions and their certification/compliance status (or expected
certification/compliance status, for those distributions that have not yet
been released or are in the process of getting certified). This is to
assist ISVs in deciding which version of the LSB to target--typically, an
ISV has a list of distributions they need to support, and we want to
make it easy for those ISVs to find the "highest common denominator"
LSB version that will enable them to span those Linux distributions.


Please send any additions/changes to me. Note that there is a "Notes"
field that we can use for free form notes. For example, Debian sarge
isn't LSB compliant out of the box, but it can be made compliant by
installed DCC 3.0, so there's a link to DCC 3.0 in the "Notes" field.

Ian Murdock

"Don't look back--something might be gaining on you." --Satchel Paige

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