[lsb-discuss] Missing Interface Descriptions

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Mon Aug 20 06:09:19 PDT 2007

lsb-discuss-bounces at lists.linux-foundation.org wrote:
> With reference to the list of Interfaces being added to LSB 3.2 (
> http://www.linux-foundation.org/dbadmin/browse/status.php?cmd=a
> ppeared-ints&aid=1&ver=3.2 ) _
> _There are some API's from the above list for which the Interface
> Specifications are not available.
> I have listed some of them below.
>   1. getdomainname
>   2. gethostbyaddr_r
>   3. inet_aton
>   4. pam_getenv
>   5. posix_fadvise64
>   6. posix_madvise
>   7. readdir64_r
> In general we find that ,if the "Description" section links to the
> following specs: ISO/IEC 23360:2005 Linux Standard Base - Part 1
> Generic Specification <http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/>  do not lead
> to the Interface Description 
> Could someone please advise/give us a link to the Interface
> Descriptions? 

these are still under development, I'll send you some more materials
on a few of these presently.

posix_madvise ought to be "the POSIX specification"

assume readdir64_r will be very much like readdir_r in POSIX,
except that the arguments are "struct dirent64" instead of
"struct dirent".

along with pam_getenv you'll be looking for pam_putenv as well.
those two interfaces are likely to be documented very much like
this, if you wanted to get a start:

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