[lsb-discuss] LSB conf call notes for 2007-12-12

Jeff Licquia jeff at licquia.org
Wed Dec 12 09:35:57 PST 2007

Attendees: Jeff, Stew, Sam, Marc Miller, Till, Carlos from TrollTech, 
Vladimir, Alexey, Marvin, Mats

LSB 3.2 progress.  Jeff: working on repos, bundles.  Vladimir: releasing 
new DTK Manager within an hour.  Stew: not working on printing tests. 
Memory issues show up for him if built and run on Mandriva 2007 on 
x86_64.  Also have to turn the failing tests back on.

Jeff: failures in foomatic-rip testing; tests 9 and 13.  Till: test 9 
test variable interpolation; patch may not have made it everywhere. 
Foomatic-rip needs to support the variables, plus the system should have 
environment variables defined: HOSTNAME, USER.  Are these defined? 
Jeff: common practice, but not sure it's in the standard.  Seeing the 
failure on SuSE 10.  Till: what version of foomatic-rip?  Jeff: will 
check and get back offline.  Test 13?  Till: it's the test that uses the 
embedded CUPS.  Which distros?  Jeff: SuSE 10 and Debian 4.0, though the 
latter was messed up.  Originally ran the tests w/o libcups, gs, or 
foomatic; the test harness screwed itself up somehow when run that way. 
  The tests should fail gracefully in that context, and should pass once 
the missing pieces are installed; didn't do that.  Will be looking at 
that today.  Till: test 13 uses variables too.  Also: all queues should 
be removed after, as well as temp files, but not sure if that's done 

Till: 3.2 spec contains foomatic page overrides?  Jeff: yes.  Till: 
language OK.

Till: DDK on the 3.2 beta page?  Jeff: since the DDK isn't strictly part 
of 3.2, handle greater exposure for it later.  Till: will update the DDK 
to reflect 3.2.

Other issues: Jeff: posix_madvise fix, others listed in TestPilot32.

Till: more questions on spec.  Trial use: ALSA only?  Jeff: Xrender and 
Xft?  Mats: haven't figured them out, might be easier to make them 
required, but don't have to decide at the moment.  Till: link to Trial 
Use Modules seems to be broken.  Jeff: please file bugs, so we can keep 
track of them better.

Doing a second beta.  Marvin should be available to kick off builds in 
the next few days.

Till: bug filed, fixing some things with page updates to the beta page.

Mats: Tcl issues; is there anything to do to fix that?  Stew: updated 
the FVT; hasn't done anything for DTK Manager.  Need to grab the right 
package.  Jeff: do we need an update to DTK Manager to reflect the fix? 
  Mats: not sure.  Jeff: obvious if this is fixed?  Mats: yes.  Tarball 
is retrieved as part of the FVT, so manually running it should work.

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