[lsb-discuss] LSB conference call minutes (Tuesday, January 30, 11am ET)

Ian Murdock imurdock at imurdock.com
Thu Feb 1 09:27:08 PST 2007

In attendance: Stew Benedict, Sam Hart, Marvin Heffler, Russ
Herrold, Andrew Josey, Jeff Licquia, Marc Miller, Ian Murdock,
Steve Schafer, Robert Schweikert, Kay Tate and Mats Wichmann.

The entire call focused on LSB 3.1 Update 1 status. Elaborating on the
information provided in the agenda [1], the main blockers are now:

[1] http://lists.freestandards.org/pipermail/lsb-discuss/2007-January/003478.html

1. No S390 and S390X packages. Marvin and Kay working to get access to
an S390X build machine behind the IBM firewall for the short term. We
need broader access (for Mats, Jeff, Stew, and other key workgroup members)
for the steady state, but we can discuss that after the update is out.

One question is how to build the S390 packages. Apparently, we can't
do that on S390X. Not sure if this even matters, since RHEL and SLES are
dropping support for S390, and IBM is EOL'ing S390. Kay thinks it
does matter, since there are ISVs wanting to certify 31-bit apps. We really
need guidance from IBM on this. I'd really rather not drop support for
an architecture until a major version, but we can't continue
supporting an architecture if we can't build the software deliverables.


2. No Debian packages. Sounds like we're in good shape here, just need
to do the final builds.


3. RAS has released the beta of the Distribution Testkit Manager, with
RPMs and Debian packages for IA32, IA64, AMD64, and PPC32. We'll need
packages built for PPC64 and S390X (and S390, pending resolution of #1).


[Marvin: S390X (S390?), Jeff/Marvin: PPC64]

4. Do we need a version of the Distribution Testkit that bundles
all the required tests, or is it sufficient to distribute the Manager,
which will take care of downloading the tests as needed? If we want
to ship a version bundled with the required tests, we need
to prepare it. Personally, I'm not sure we need the bundled version.


5. We need to prepare the Application Testkit and SDK bundles too.
Sounds like this basically involved running a script.


6. Last but not least, we need to prepare the APT and yum repos as
well. Sounds like this basically involves running a script too.


7. Update the Specifications and Downloads pages.


Ian Murdock

"Don't look back--something might be gaining on you." --Satchel Paige

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