[lsb-discuss] LSB SDK automatically dynamic links LSB libs - intended behavior?

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Tue Sep 24 04:13:37 UTC 2013

On 09/23/2013 08:10 PM, Gregory Fong wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently noticed that lsbcc does an interesting thing if you try to
> explicitly specify that libraries contained within in the LSB spec
> should be statically linked: they get automatically changed to
> dynamic. 
> I can't seem to find
> any way to force ncurses to be statically linked with lsbcc.  If
> anyone has any insights here, would love to hear!

you'll need to specify by name - libncurses.a rather than -lncurses.
the tool doesn't fiddle with objects listed without the -l{lib} notation.

The behavior is intentional, but possibly not completely thought out.
As you say - corner case; but for some reason we've been finding a lot
of corner cases in the last few months... seems to go in cycles!

A bugzilla report would not be looked at askance, even though there
might not be a fix (beyond the above suggestion) for a while.

-- mats

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