[Lsb-messages] /var/www/bzr/lsb/devel/specdb-aux-scripts r12: Adopted create_cache_tables.sql for PostgreSQL

Denis Silakov denis.silakov at rosalab.ru
Wed Jun 20 09:26:45 UTC 2012

revno: 12
committer: Denis Silakov <denis.silakov at rosalab.ru>
branch nick: specdb-aux-scripts
timestamp: Wed 2012-06-20 13:26:45 +0400
  Adopted create_cache_tables.sql for PostgreSQL
-------------- next part --------------
=== added file 'postgres/create_cache_tables.sql'
--- a/postgres/create_cache_tables.sql	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/postgres/create_cache_tables.sql	2012-06-20 09:26:45 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+-- Component table with Cid replaced by Calias, if the latter is greater than zero;
+-- original Cid is preserved in the Crealcid field
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_Component;
+CREATE TABLE cache_Component
+    AS SELECT CASE WHEN Calias > 0 THEN Calias ELSE Cid END AS Cid, Cid AS Crealcid, Carch, Cname, Cversion, Cdistr, Cpackages
+    FROM Component;
+create index cache_Component_k_Cid on cache_Component (Cid);
+create index cache_Component_k_Carch on cache_Component (Carch);
+create index cache_Component_k_Cdistr on cache_Component (Cdistr,Carch);
+-- Table with RLid, RLsoname and Cdistr for every RLSid
+-- (that is, this table says us how every soname is satisfied in distributions)
+CREATE TABLE cache_RLidRLSoname
+    AS SELECT RLSid, RLid, Cdistr, Carch
+    FROM RawLibSoname
+    JOIN RawLibrary ON RLSsoname=RLsoname
+    JOIN cache_Component ON RLcomponent=Cid;
+create index cache_RLidRLSoname_k_Cdistr on cache_RLidRLSoname (RLSid,Cdistr,Carch);
+create index cache_RLidRLSoname_k_RLSid on cache_RLidRLSoname (RLid);
+-- Similar to AppLib, but map to RLname instead of soname
+CREATE TABLE cache_AppLibName
+    FROM RawLibrary
+    JOIN AppLib ON ALrunname=RLsoname;
+create index cache_AppLibName_k_RLname on cache_AppLibName (RLname,ALaid);
+-- First, create three temporary tables which used to create cache_IntCorrespondance
+--   They will be dropped if everything goes well
+-- Soname <-> libname correspondance
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_cache_SonameRLname
+    AS SELECT DISTINCT RLSid,RLname FROM RawLibSoname, RawLibrary
+    WHERE RLsoname=RLSsoname;
+create index tmp_cache_SonameRLname_k_RLname on tmp_cache_SonameRLname (RLsid);
+-- Table with list of dependency names for every library
+    AS SELECT DISTINCT RawLibrary.RLname, tmp_cache_SonameRLname.RLname AS RLdepname FROM RawLibrary
+    LEFT JOIN RLibDeps ON RLDrlid=RLid
+    LEFT JOIN tmp_cache_SonameRLname ON RLDrlsid=RLSid;
+create index tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames_k_RLname on tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames (RLname);
+--    SELECT DISTINCT RLibLink.RLLlibname, RawLibrary.RLname AS RLdepname FROM RawLibrary
+--    JOIN RLibLink ON RLid=RLLrlid;
+-- DELETE FROM tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames WHERE RLname=RLdepname;
+-- We'll build 'correspondance' table only for interfaces ever included in the spec
+    AS SELECT Iid, Iname, Ilibrary FROM Interface
+    JOIN ArchInt ON AIint=Iid
+    WHERE AIappearedin > '';
+create index tmp_IntsIncludedEver_k_RLname on tmp_IntsIncludedEver (Iname);
+-- Table with RInt<->Int correspondance by name only (libraries are not taken into account)
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_cache_IntRoughCorrespondance
+    AS SELECT Iid, RIid, Ilibrary, RIlibrary FROM tmp_IntsIncludedEver
+    LEFT JOIN RawInterface ON Iname=RIname;
+create index tmp_cache_IntRoughCorrespondance_k_Ilibrary on tmp_cache_IntRoughCorrespondance (Ilibrary,RIlibrary);
+DELETE FROM tmp_cache_IntRoughCorrespondance WHERE RIid IS NULL;
+-- Correspondance between RawInterface and Interface tables
+-- NOTE: Joining with tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames is for 'incorrect' apps
+-- that uses interfaces not from DT_NEEDED libs (but from libs loaded as
+-- dependencies of the NEEDED ones).
+-- This trick currently works for LSB, but theoretically can cause problems
+-- with key duplication in the cache_AppRIntLib table below.
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_IntCorrespondance;
+CREATE TABLE cache_IntCorrespondance
+    AS SELECT DISTINCT  Iid, RIid, Ilibrary FROM tmp_cache_IntRoughCorrespondance
+    LEFT JOIN tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames ON Ilibrary=RLname
+    WHERE RIlibrary=Ilibrary
+    OR tmp_cache_RLibDepsNames.RLdepname=RIlibrary;
+create index cache_IntCorrespondance_k_Iid on cache_IntCorrespondance (Iid,RIid);
+create index cache_IntCorrespondance_k_RIid on cache_IntCorrespondance (RIid);
+create index cache_IntCorrespondance_k_Ilibrary on cache_IntCorrespondance (Ilibrary);
+-- A table with RawClass.RCname<->RawLibraryRLname mapping
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_RCnameRLnameMapping;
+CREATE TABLE cache_RCnameRLnameMapping
+FROM RawClass
+JOIN RLibRClass ON RLRCrcid=RCid
+JOIN RawLibrary ON RLid=RLRCrlid;
+create index cache_RCnameRLnameMapping_k_RCname on cache_RCnameRLnameMapping(RCname);
+create index cache_RCnameRLnameMapping_k_RLname on cache_RCnameRLnameMapping(RLname,RCname);
+-- Temporary table used to create the next one
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_cache_AppRoughLibs
+    AS SELECT AppRInt.ARIaid AS Aid, RIlibrary, COUNT(ARIriid) AS int_cnt FROM AppRInt
+    LEFT JOIN RawInterface ON RIid=ARIriid
+    WHERE RIlibrary > ''
+    GROUP BY Aid, RIlibrary;
+create index tmp_cache_AppRoughLibs_k_Aid on tmp_cache_AppRoughLibs(Aid);
+-- Libraries whose interfaces are actually used by applications
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_AppLibUsage;
+CREATE TABLE cache_AppLibUsage
+    AS SELECT DISTINCT Application.Aid, ALrunname, RLname, Aarch, int_cnt FROM tmp_cache_AppRoughLibs
+    LEFT JOIN Application ON Application.Aid = tmp_cache_AppRoughLibs.Aid
+    JOIN AppLib ON ALaid=Application.Aid
+    JOIN RawLibrary ON RLname=RIlibrary AND (RLsoname=ALrunname OR RLrunname=ALrunname);
+create index tmp_cache_AppLibUsage_k_Aid on cache_AppLibUsage(Aid,ALrunname,RLname);
+create index tmp_cache_AppLibUsage_k_ALrunname on cache_AppLibUsage(ALrunname);
+create index tmp_cache_AppLibUsage_k_RLname on cache_AppLibUsage(RLname);
+create index tmp_cache_AppLibUsage_k_Aarch on cache_AppLibUsage(Aarch);
+-- By default, this will be 'big int'; we don't need such a large range
+-- ALTER TABLE cache_AppLibUsage CHANGE int_cnt int_cnt int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
+-- Table with combined information about app<->rawint mapping.
+CREATE TABLE cache_AppRIntLib
+AS SELECT Aname, Aversion, Aarch, ARIaid, RawInterface.RIid, RawInterface.RIlibrary, RawInterface.RIname, RIunmangled, RLibRIntId, RIversion, Iid AS Iid FROM AppRInt
+    LEFT JOIN RawInterface ON ARIriid=RawInterface.RIid
+    LEFT JOIN cache_IntCorrespondance USING(RIid)
+    LEFT JOIN cache_RLibRIntMapping ON cache_RLibRIntMapping.RIname=RawInterface.RIname AND cache_RLibRIntMapping.RIlibrary=RawInterface.RIlibrary
+    LEFT JOIN Application ON Aid=ARIaid;
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_Prim on cache_AppRIntLib(ARIaid,RIid,Iid);
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_Aarch on cache_AppRIntLib(Aarch);
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_RIid on cache_AppRIntLib(RIid,Iid);
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_RLibRIntId on cache_AppRIntLib(RLibRIntId);
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_RIlibrary on cache_AppRIntLib(RIlibrary);
+create index cache_AppRIntLib_k_Iid on cache_AppRIntLib(Iid,Aarch);
+-- Now detect and drop superfluous entries in the cache_AppRIntLib
+-- which may come from the tricks with RLibDeps and not-very-correct apps.
+-- More precisely, the following situation will cause problems for Navigator:
+--  Application A has two files, 'aa' and 'bb'; 'aa' depends on libc and libpthread,
+--  'bb' depends on libc only. Now let both files use 'connect' symbol which is present
+--  in both libc and libpthread. The upload script will honestly mark two different
+--  'connect' instances as application dependencies (one from libc, the other from pthread).
+--  However, since libpthread is very likely to depend itself on libc, then when building
+--  correspondance tables we'll associate 'connect' from libpthread in the Interface table
+--  with both 'connect' from libc and 'connect' from libpthread in the RawInterface one.
+--  And when building cache_AppRIntLib table, we'll add three records for our application
+--  1) 'connect' from libc (direct dependency)
+--  2) 'connect' from libpthread (direct dependency)
+--  3) 'connect' from libc (indirect dependency through libpthread->libc chain)
+--  But oops! We have counted 'connect' from libc twice for our application.
+--  This will confuse Navigator and will lead to incorrect numbers in statistics.
+-- So let's simply drop superfluous records right now.
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_exact_match_ints
+AS SELECT ARIaid, RIid, Iid FROM cache_AppRIntLib
+JOIN Interface USING(Iid)
+WHERE RIlibrary=Ilibrary;
+create index tmp_exact_match_ints_k_Iid on tmp_exact_match_ints(ARIaid, RIid);
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_superfluous_ints
+AS SELECT ARIaid, RIid, Iid FROM cache_AppRIntLib
+JOIN Interface USING(Iid)
+WHERE RIlibrary != Ilibrary
+    SELECT 1 FROM tmp_exact_match_ints
+    WHERE tmp_exact_match_ints.ARIaid = cache_AppRIntLib.ARIaid
+    AND tmp_exact_match_ints.RIid = cache_AppRIntLib.RIid
+create index tmp_superfluous_ints_k_Iid on tmp_superfluous_ints(ARIaid, RIid, Iid);
+DELETE FROM cache_AppRIntLib
+SELECT 1 FROM tmp_superfluous_ints
+    WHERE tmp_superfluous_ints.ARIaid = cache_AppRIntLib.ARIaid
+    AND tmp_superfluous_ints.RIid = cache_AppRIntLib.RIid
+    AND tmp_superfluous_ints.Iid = cache_AppRIntLib.Iid
+-- cache_AppRIntLib cleanup finished --
+delimiter //
+DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS regen_cache_DistrContent //
+CREATE PROCEDURE regen_cache_DistrContent ()
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_DistrCmds`
+            (KEY `Did`(`Did`))
+            SELECT Cdistr AS Did, COUNT(distinct RCid) AS cmd_cnt FROM cache_Component
+            LEFT JOIN RawCommand ON RCcomponent=Cid
+            GROUP BY Cdistr;
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_DistrClasses`
+            (KEY `Did`(`Did`))
+            SELECT Cdistr AS Did, COUNT(distinct RLRCrcid) AS class_cnt FROM cache_Component
+            LEFT JOIN RawLibrary ON RLcomponent=Cid
+            LEFT JOIN RLibRClass ON RLRCrlid=RLid
+            GROUP BY Cdistr;
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_RLibContent`
+            (KEY `RLid`(`RLid`))
+            SELECT RLRIrlid AS RLid, COUNT(RLRIriid) AS int_cnt FROM RLibRInt
+            GROUP BY RLRIrlid;
+        CREATE TABLE `cache_DistrContent`
+            (PRIMARY KEY `Did` (`Did`) )
+            SELECT cache_Component.Cdistr AS Did, COUNT(distinct cache_Component.Cid) AS comp_cnt, COUNT(distinct RawLibrary.RLid) AS lib_cnt, SUM(tmp_RLibContent.int_cnt) AS int_cnt, cmd_cnt, class_cnt FROM cache_Component
+            LEFT JOIN RawLibrary ON RLcomponent=Cid
+            LEFT JOIN tmp_RLibContent USING(RLid)
+            LEFT JOIN tmp_DistrCmds ON Cdistr=Did
+            LEFT JOIN tmp_DistrClasses USING(Did)
+            GROUP BY cache_Component.Cdistr;
+delimiter ;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cache_DistrContent`;
+CALL regen_cache_DistrContent();
+-- // Start cache_IntStatus
+-- Create table with short interface status (for every version on every arch)
+-- 'Short' means that for cases when interface was included, then withdrawn and
+--    then included again, we take into account only its last period of being in LSB
+delimiter //
+DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS regen_cache_IntStatus //
+CREATE PROCEDURE regen_cache_IntStatus ()
+        CREATE TABLE cache_IntStatus
+        (PRIMARY KEY (`Iname`,`Ilibrary`,`AIarch`,`AIversion`))
+        SELECT Iid,Iname,Ilibrary,AIarch, MAX(AIappearedin) AS AIappearedin, MAX(AIwithdrawnin) AS AIwithdrawnin,
+                Vname AS AIversion, MAX(AIdeprecatedsince) AS AIdeprecatedsince, SMmandatorysince, SMdeprecatedsince, Ldeprecatedsince
+        FROM Interface
+        LEFT JOIN LGInt ON LGIint=Iid
+        LEFT JOIN LibGroup ON LGid=LGIlibg
+        LEFT JOIN Library ON Lid=LGlib
+        LEFT JOIN SModLib ON LGlib=SMLlid
+        LEFT JOIN SubModule ON SMid=SMLsmid
+        LEFT JOIN ArchInt ON AIint=Iid
+        LEFT JOIN Version ON Vid=AIversion
+        WHERE AIappearedin > ''
+        GROUP BY Iid,AIarch,Vid;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus ADD `ISstatus` enum('Included','Deprecated','Optional','Withdrawn') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Included';
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus ADD `ISstatustext` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
+-- For symbols which were included, then withdrawn and then included again
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET AIwithdrawnin=NULL WHERE AIwithdrawnin < AIappearedin;
+-- No sense in 'mandatorysince' for excluded symbols
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET SMmandatorysince='' WHERE AIwithdrawnin IS NOT NULL;
+-- Deprecation doesn't matter for withdrawn symbols
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET AIdeprecatedsince=NULL WHERE AIdeprecatedsince < AIwithdrawnin;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET SMdeprecatedsince=NULL WHERE SMdeprecatedsince < AIwithdrawnin;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET Ldeprecatedsince=NULL WHERE Ldeprecatedsince < AIwithdrawnin;
+-- Though this could be considered as db inconsistency, this actually doesn't break anything else,
+-- so let's handle this here
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET AIdeprecatedsince=Ldeprecatedsince WHERE AIdeprecatedsince > Ldeprecatedsince OR AIdeprecatedsince IS NULL;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET AIdeprecatedsince=SMdeprecatedsince WHERE AIdeprecatedsince > SMdeprecatedsince OR AIdeprecatedsince IS NULL;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET AIappearedin='' WHERE AIdeprecatedsince IS NOT NULL OR SMdeprecatedsince IS NOT NULL OR Ldeprecatedsince IS NOT NULL;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET ISstatus='Deprecated', ISstatustext=concat("Deprecated since ",AIdeprecatedsince) WHERE AIdeprecatedsince IS NOT NULL;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET ISstatus='Withdrawn', ISstatustext=concat("Withdrawn in ",AIwithdrawnin) WHERE AIwithdrawnin IS NOT NULL;
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET ISstatus='Included', ISstatustext=concat("Included since ",AIappearedin) WHERE AIappearedin > '' AND SMmandatorysince > '';
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET ISstatus='Optional', ISstatustext=concat("Trial since ",AIappearedin) WHERE AIappearedin > '' AND SMmandatorysince='' AND AIwithdrawnin IS NULL;
+-- Update those records that don't have ArchInt entries
+        UPDATE cache_IntStatus SET ISstatus='Withdrawn', ISstatustext="Not in LSB" WHERE ISstatus<>'Withdrawn' AND (AIappearedin='' OR AIappearedin IS NULL) AND AIdeprecatedsince IS NULL;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus ADD KEY `k_ArchStatus`(`AIarch`,`ISstatus`);
+-- Some included interfaces can have generic and 7 arch-specific records
+-- (due to symbol versions); let's remove the generic one for such cases
+-- from the cache_IntStatus, but save them in the cache_ExtraGenericRecords
+-- (the case when the number of arch-specific records ge 1 but lesser than 7
+-- shouldbe considered as db inconsistency)
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_ArchSpecificInts
+        (KEY `k_Iid`(`Iid`))
+        SELECT Iid FROM cache_IntStatus
+        WHERE AIarch>1 AND ISstatus <>'Withdrawn';
+        CREATE TABLE cache_ExtraGenericRecords
+        (KEY `k_Iid`(`Iid`))
+        SELECT Iid, Iname, Ilibrary, AIversion, ISstatus, ISstatustext FROM cache_IntStatus
+        JOIN tmp_ArchSpecificInts USING(Iid)
+        WHERE AIarch=1 AND ISstatus <>'Withdrawn';
+        DELETE FROM cache_IntStatus WHERE Iid IN (
+          SELECT Iid FROM cache_ExtraGenericRecords
+        ) AND AIarch=1 AND ISstatus <> 'Withdrawn';
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_ExtraWithdrawnGenericRecords
+        (KEY `k_Iid`(`Iid`))
+        SELECT T1.Iid FROM cache_IntStatus T1, cache_IntStatus T2
+        WHERE T1.AIarch=1 AND T2.AIarch>1
+        AND T1.Iname=T2.Iname
+        AND T1.Ilibrary=T2.Ilibrary
+        AND T1.AIversion=T2.AIversion;
+        DELETE FROM cache_IntStatus WHERE Iid IN (
+          SELECT Iid FROM tmp_ExtraWithdrawnGenericRecords
+        ) AND AIarch=1;
+-- These fields are not required during table usage
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP AIappearedin;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP AIwithdrawnin;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP AIdeprecatedsince;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP Ldeprecatedsince;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP SMdeprecatedsince;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP SMmandatorysince;
+        ALTER TABLE cache_IntStatus DROP Iid;
+delimiter ;
+-- We should drop tables here, since some MySQL versions fail 
+-- to drop them inside stored procedure
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_IntStatus;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_ExtraGenericRecords;
+CALL regen_cache_IntStatus ();
+-- // Finished with cache_IntStatus
+-- Split cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveName to several physical tables,
+-- 1 million of records each
+delimiter //
+DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS split_cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames //
+CREATE PROCEDURE split_cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames ()
+    SET @cnt=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames);
+-- total number of tables to be created
+    SET @maxId=CEILING((SELECT @cnt/1000000));
+    SET @i=1;
+-- list of created tables, comma separated (cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_1, cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_2, ...)
+    SET @union_tables="";
+    label: LOOP
+        SET @stmt_text = CONCAT( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_", @i );
+        PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
+        EXECUTE stmt;
+        SET @stmt_text = CONCAT( "CREATE TABLE cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_", @i,
+        "(`RICINid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+            `RIname` varchar(750) character set latin1 collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
+            `RIunmangled` text character set latin1 collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
+            `RIlibrary` varchar(250) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+            PRIMARY KEY (`RICINid`), KEY `RIname` (`RIname`,`RIlibrary`),
+            KEY `k_RIunmangled`(`RIunmangled`(1000))
+        ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1" );
+        PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
+        EXECUTE stmt;
+        SET @curIdx=(@i * 1000000);
+        SET @oldIdx = @curIdx-1000000;
+        SET @stmt_text = CONCAT( "INSERT INTO cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_", @i,
+        " SELECT * FROM cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames
+            WHERE RICINid <= ", @curIdx,
+            " AND RICINid > ", @oldIdx );
+        PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
+        EXECUTE stmt;
+        SET @union_tables = CONCAT(@union_tables, "cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames_", @i);
+        IF @i < @maxId THEN SET @union_tables = CONCAT(@union_tables, ","); END IF;
+        SET @i=@i+1;
+        IF @i <= @maxId THEN ITERATE label; END IF;
+        LEAVE label;
+    END LOOP label;
+    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames;
+    SET @stmt_text = CONCAT( "CREATE TABLE cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames (
+        `RICINid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+        `RIname` varchar(750) character set latin1 collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
+        `RIunmangled` text character set latin1 collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
+        `RIlibrary` varchar(250) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+        PRIMARY KEY (`RICINid`), KEY `RIname` (`RIname`,`RIlibrary`),
+        KEY `k_RIunmangled`(`RIunmangled`(1000))
+    ) ENGINE=MERGE UNION=(", at union_tables,") INSERT_METHOD=LAST DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1" );
+    PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
+    EXECUTE stmt;
+delimiter ;
+-- CALL split_cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames();
+-- DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS split_cache_RIntCaseInsensitiveNames;

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