[Lsb-messages] /var/www/bzr/lsb/devel/repogen r202: Track package types as its own data type, rather than as strings.

Jeff Licquia licquia at linuxfoundation.org
Fri Jun 14 18:56:45 UTC 2013

revno: 202
committer: Jeff Licquia <licquia at linuxfoundation.org>
branch nick: repogen
timestamp: Fri 2013-06-14 14:56:45 -0400
  Track package types as its own data type, rather than as strings.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'Package.hs'
--- a/Package.hs	2013-06-14 18:01:26 +0000
+++ b/Package.hs	2013-06-14 18:56:45 +0000
@@ -14,19 +14,24 @@
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.List
 import Data.List.Split
+import Data.Tuple
 import System.FilePath
 -- Type definitions
 data PackageType = Rpm | Deb deriving (Eq, Show)
+data PackageArch = X86 | IA64 | X86_64 | PPC32 | PPC64 | S390 | S390X | 
+                   All | Source
+    deriving (Eq, Show)
 data Package = Package { path :: FilePath,
                          pkgtype :: PackageType,
                          name :: String,
                          epoch :: String,
                          version :: String,
                          release :: String,
-                         arch :: String } deriving (Show)
+                         arch :: PackageArch } deriving (Show)
 instance Eq Package where
     x == y = (pkgtype x == pkgtype y) &&
@@ -36,6 +41,27 @@
              (release x == release y) &&
              (arch x == arch y)
+-- Manage architecture conversions.  Note that Debian does not support
+-- some architectures, and we do not support Debian source packages here.
+rpmArchNames = [ (X86, "i486"), (IA64, "ia64"), (PPC32, "ppc"),
+                 (PPC64, "ppc64"), (S390, "s390"), (S390X, "s390x"),
+                 (X86_64, "x86_64"), (All, "noarch"), (Source, "src") ]
+debArchNames = [ (X86, "i386"), (IA64, "ia64"), (PPC32, "powerpc"),
+                 (S390, "s390"), (X86_64, "amd64"), (All, "all") ]
+archRpmName :: PackageArch -> String
+archRpmName s = fromJust $ lookup s rpmArchNames
+archDebName :: PackageArch -> Maybe String
+archDebName s = lookup s debArchNames
+archFromRpm :: String -> Maybe PackageArch
+archFromRpm s = lookup s (map swap rpmArchNames)
+archFromDeb :: String -> Maybe PackageArch
+archFromDeb s = lookup s (map swap debArchNames)
 -- Helper functions for constructing Packages.
 hasUnderscore :: String -> Bool
@@ -51,37 +77,34 @@
     | otherwise     = Nothing
     where ext = takeExtension path
-packageArchFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe String
+packageArchFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe PackageArch
 packageArchFromPath path
     | packageTypeFromPath path == Just Deb && hasUnderscore noExtension
-      = Just (underscoreToEnd noExtension)
+      = archFromDeb (underscoreToEnd noExtension)
     | packageTypeFromPath path == Just Rpm && hasExtension noExtension 
-      = Just (tail $ takeExtension noExtension)
+      = archFromRpm (tail $ takeExtension noExtension)
     | otherwise
       = Nothing
     where noExtension = dropExtension path
-packageNEVRAFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe [String]
-packageNEVRAFromPath path
-    | pkgtype == Just Deb && '_' `elem` path && isJust arch
+packageNEVRFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe [String]
+packageNEVRFromPath path
+    | pkgtype == Just Deb && '_' `elem` path
       = let deb_elements = splitOn "_" $ takeFileName path
         in Just [head $ deb_elements,
               head $ splitOn "-" $ deb_elements !! 1,
-              last $ splitOn "-" $ deb_elements !! 1,
-              fromJust arch]
-    | pkgtype == Just Rpm && '-' `elem` path && isJust arch
+              last $ splitOn "-" $ deb_elements !! 1]
+    | pkgtype == Just Rpm && '-' `elem` path
       = let shortFileName = (iterate dropExtension $ takeFileName path) !! 2
             rpm_elements = splitOn "-" shortFileName
         in Just [intercalate "-" $ init $ init $ rpm_elements,
               last $ init $ rpm_elements,
-              last $ rpm_elements,
-              fromJust arch]
+              last $ rpm_elements]
     | otherwise
       = Nothing
     where pkgtype = packageTypeFromPath path
-          arch = packageArchFromPath path
 -- It turns out that names can be tricky.  Debian packages have more
 -- strict naming requirements than RPMs, so certain names have to be
@@ -113,31 +136,21 @@
 packageFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe Package
 packageFromPath path 
-    | isJust maybeNEVRA && isJust maybePkgType
+    | isJust maybeNEVR && isJust maybePkgType && isJust maybePkgArch
       = Just Package {
           pkgtype=fromJust maybePkgType,
-          name=(fromJust maybeNEVRA) !! 0,
-          epoch=(fromJust maybeNEVRA) !! 1,
-          version=(fromJust maybeNEVRA) !! 2,
-          release=(fromJust maybeNEVRA) !! 3,
-          arch=(fromJust maybeNEVRA) !! 4 }
+          name=(fromJust maybeNEVR) !! 0,
+          epoch=(fromJust maybeNEVR) !! 1,
+          version=(fromJust maybeNEVR) !! 2,
+          release=(fromJust maybeNEVR) !! 3,
+          arch=fromJust maybePkgArch
+        }
     | otherwise
       = Nothing
-    where maybeNEVRA = packageNEVRAFromPath path
+    where maybeNEVR = packageNEVRFromPath path
           maybePkgType = packageTypeFromPath path
--- Debian does not support some of the architectures RPM does.
--- These functions report on architecture support.
-rpmArchNames = ["i486", "ia64", "ppc", "s390", "x86_64", "noarch"]
-debArchNames = ["i386", "ia64", "powerpc", "s390", "amd64", "all"]
-archRpmToDeb :: String -> Maybe String
-archRpmToDeb s = lookup s $ zip rpmArchNames debArchNames
-archDebToRpm :: String -> Maybe String
-archDebToRpm s = lookup s $ zip debArchNames rpmArchNames
+          maybePkgArch = packageArchFromPath path
 -- We generate Debian packages from RPMs.  This function generates
 -- information about what a generated Debian package should look like.
@@ -152,9 +165,9 @@
         epoch=epoch p,
         version=version p,
         release=release p,
-        arch=fromJust cvtArch }
+        arch=arch p }
     | otherwise = Nothing
-    where cvtArch = archRpmToDeb $ arch p
+    where cvtArch = archDebName $ arch p
 -- Given a Debian package, do the reverse of derivedDeb: figure out
 -- which RPM it came from.
@@ -169,8 +182,7 @@
         epoch=epoch p,
         version=version p,
         release=release p,
-        arch=maybe debArch id $ archDebToRpm debArch }
-    where debArch = arch p
+        arch=arch p }
 -- Convert a generic Package to its other type.
@@ -188,9 +200,9 @@
 fileNameFromPackage :: Package -> FilePath
 fileNameFromPackage p
     | pkgtype p == Deb
-      = name p ++ "_" ++ version p ++ "-" ++ release p ++ "_" ++ arch p ++ ".deb"
+      = name p ++ "_" ++ version p ++ "-" ++ release p ++ "_" ++ (fromJust $ archDebName $ arch p) ++ ".deb"
     | otherwise
-      = name p ++ "-" ++ version p ++ "-" ++ release p ++ "." ++ arch p ++ ".rpm"
+      = name p ++ "-" ++ version p ++ "-" ++ release p ++ "." ++ (archRpmName $ arch p) ++ ".rpm"
 packageRecalcPath :: Package -> Package
 packageRecalcPath p = Package {

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