[Openais] corosync and openais versioning on release

Steven Dake sdake at redhat.com
Wed Jun 17 16:31:19 PDT 2009

I have given some thought to versioning and what it means for us.  This
is what I suggest:


X indicates a major release.  X is maintained as a branch in the branch
directory of the repository.  During a major release no changes to
existing APIs may be done including coroapi.h and the header files
installed into the system.

Y indicates a minor feature release.  All Y releases come from the
branch created in X.  Additional services including their APIs may be
added to a Y release.  Additional APIs for an existing service may be
added to a Y release as well, however the bar for these extensions will
be very high.  Additional features may be added to a Y release.

Z indicates a bug fix release.  All Z releases should add no new
features or ABIs but only fix bugs reported in upstream bugzillas.

Real world example:
When flatiron is released, a flatiron branch is created and our first
version number is 1.0.0.  If a bug is found and resolved, the version z
field would be bumped to 1.0.1 and a new release made.

When Infiniband support is added to the source tree, being a minor
feature, the new version for the initial release would be 1.1.0.

Only the latest X.Y.Z release is supported for the purposes of users of
the software.


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