[Printing-architecture] Complete table list for braille embosser support

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org
Mon Feb 27 23:08:11 UTC 2017

Samuel Thibault, on dim. 26 févr. 2017 19:57:12 +0100, wrote:
> Here is an update for the table list.
> I have contacted the liblouis project for them to include the
> descriptions in liblouis itself. For now we can code these here.

And here is a patch to be applied on top of it, that automatically
selects a table according to the current locale.

-------------- next part --------------
--- a/filter/braille/filters/liblouis1.defs.gen.in
+++ b/filter/braille/filters/liblouis1.defs.gen.in
@@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ TABLESDIR=@TABLESDIR@
 echo 'Group "Braille/Braille transcription"'
 echo 'Option "LibLouis/Braille transcription" PickOne AnySetup 10'
-echo '  *Choice "None/None" ""'
+echo '  Choice "None/None" ""'
+echo '  *Choice "Locale/Default for language" ""'
+echo '  Choice "Locale-g0/Default for language grade 0" ""'
+echo '  Choice "Locale-g1/Default for language grade 1" ""'
+echo '  Choice "Locale-g2/Default for language grade 2" ""'
+echo '  Choice "Locale-g3/Default for language grade 3" ""'
   for i in $TABLESDIR/*.utb $TABLESDIR/*.ctb
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -297,7 +297,11 @@ filter/braille/filters/liblouis1.defs: f
 	$< > $@
 $(GENERATED_LIBLOUIS): filter/braille/filters/liblouis%.defs: filter/braille/filters/liblouis1.defs
-	sed -e "s/Braille transcription/Additional Braille transcription ($*)/" -e s/LibLouis/LibLouis$*/ < $< > $@
+	sed -e "s/Braille transcription/Additional Braille transcription ($*)/" \
+	    -e "s/^  \\*Choice /  Choice /" \
+	    -e "s/^  Choice \"None\//  *Choice \"None\//" \
+	    -e s/LibLouis/LibLouis$*/ \
+	    < $< > $@
 pkgppdc_DATA += \
 	filter/braille/drivers/common/media-braille.defs \
--- a/filter/braille/filters/cups-braille.sh.in
+++ b/filter/braille/filters/cups-braille.sh.in
@@ -228,19 +228,53 @@ getOptionLibLouis () {
+  LOCALE=${LANG%@*}
   # Check presence of table
-  if [ "$VALUE" != None ]
-  then
-    [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE".utb ] && VALUE="$VALUE".utb
-    [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE".ctb ] && VALUE="$VALUE".ctb
-    if [ ! -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE" ]
-    then
-      printf "ERROR: Could not find $OPTION table '%s'\n" "$VALUE"
+  case "$VALUE" in
+    None)
+      printf None
+      ;;
+    Locale)
+      if [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$LOCALE.tbl" ]
+      then
+	printf "%s" "$LOCALE.tbl"
+      elif [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$LANGUAGE.tbl" ]
+      then
+	printf "%s" "$LANGUAGE.tbl"
+      else
+        printf "WARN: Could not find $OPTION table '%s.tbl' or '%s.tbl'\n" "$LOCALE" "$LANGUAGE" >&2
+	printf None
+      fi
+      ;;
+    Locale-g[0-3])
+      GRADE=${VALUE#Locale-g}
+      do
+	if grep -q "^#+grade:$GRADE$" "$i"
+	then
+	  printf "%s" "${i//*\/}"
+	  exit 0
+	fi
+      done
+      printf "ERROR: Could not find $OPTION table '%s*.tbl' or '%s*.tbl' with grade $GRADE\n" "$LOCALE" "$LANGUAGE" >&2
+      printf None
       exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
+      ;;
+    *)
+      [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE".utb ] && VALUE="$VALUE".utb
+      [ -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE".ctb ] && VALUE="$VALUE".ctb
+      if [ ! -f "$TABLESDIR/$VALUE" ]
+      then
+        printf "ERROR: Could not find $OPTION table '%s'\n" "$VALUE" >&2
+        exit 1
+      fi
-  printf "%s" "$VALUE"
+      printf "%s" "$VALUE"
+      ;;
+  esac
 LIBLOUIS1=$(getOptionLibLouis LibLouis)

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